Thursday, May 18, 2023

 John 8:31-59  Believing in Jesus.. convinced that He is the Son of God who came from God for the purposes of God.. to save us from sin.. to give us Life.. to conform us to the image of the Firstborn.. begins with grace.. the Father drawing us to the Son with His cords of love. Now,   Jesus said to those who believed.. "If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (v31-32)  It is an ongoing.. abiding relationship with Jesus that brings truth and freedom into the life of the believer. 

The discussion that follows this statement is interesting... for the Jews claim that they have "never yet been enslaved"..  which is definitely not true.  Did they forget the years in Egypt?  Did they forget that the Romans were ruling over them ?  But, Jesus doesn't even point that out to them.. what they didn't understand was that they were slaves to sin.  We are all under that same master.. unless we are set free by the Son.. "If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed." ( v36)

The Jews were counting on their relationship to Abraham to be enough.. but Jesus makes it clear that they are not acting anything like Abraham... they were not listening to His Words.. they weren't doing the "deeds of Abraham".. they couldn't recognize the Truth.. like Abraham did. They were listening to the lies of their father.. Satan.. who is the father of lies.  They had murder on their minds.. like Satan did. They refused to believe the Truth and accused Jesus of having a demon.. when it was just the opposite.  " He who is of God hears the words of God;"  He tells them, "for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God."  We must be careful to rely only on Jesus.. no-one..or nothing else can save us from sin and bring us to the Father. 

Jesus made it clear that He listened to the Father.. God.. the same God that the Jews claimed to know.. but really didn't.. that Abraham himself would listen to Him and believe.. and even "rejoiced to see [His] day."!  This really threw the crowd into a tizzy! When Jesus made a final statement, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.".. they picked up stones to throw at Him.. right there in the temple... for Jesus had just revealed His deity. 

Father, we are Your children, for we have believed in Jesus and we are abiding in His Words.. We have been set free by this Truth.  We have been born creations through the Son who makes us free!  Hallelujah!  We have received this gift from Your loving Hands.. for You have drawn us with Your cords of love.  You know us.  You have always known us.  You have called us.. summoned us to Yourself. You have destined us for Your purpose.. that we be conformed to the image of Jesus, "the Firstborn among many brethren" ( Romans 8:29).   You have justified us and glorified us. And, no one can separate us from Your great love. Thank You Lord!  Fill us with Your Spirit that we may be free indeed! Complete in You. Amen. 

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