Thursday, May 25, 2023

 John 12:1-11  Jesus came back from the wilderness to Bethany.. to the home of Lazarus and his sisters.  As they were eating supper, Mary came to Jesus and opened a container of a very costly perfume.  She "anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume."   

John tells us that it was Judas who complained about the waste of the perfume.. 300 denarii  would be worth 11 months wages.. which he thought should be given to the poor.. and by the poor, he meant himself.  He forgot about the fact that Jesus fed 5000 with a few loaves of bread.. without any denarii. He forgot that Lazarus, sitting at the same table had been dead.. and now was alive, and it had nothing to do with how much money he had.  Judas continued walking in darkness, although the Light of the world was sitting at the same table with him. 

Mary anointed the feet of Jesus.. out of pure love and gratitude. She saw Jesus.. she listened carefully to what He said. Perhaps.. she even understood in some way that she was anointing Him for the burial that was coming... for this anointing was the custom used in burial. 

Two people with two different relationships with Jesus.  Judas, a chosen disciple, could not see Jesus.. just as Isaiah said and Jesus quoted.... "He has blinded their eyes and He hardens their heart, let they see with their eyes and perceive with their heart and be converted and I heal them." (v 40) But, Mary, gave all she had out of love and devotion to her Savior. She had eyes to see and a heart to perceive.. 

We each must choose one of these two relationships with Jesus.. to believe and give ourselves to Him fully.. or to harden our hearts and deny Him.. accuse Him.. betray Him.  There is no middle ground here.  I pray that whoever is reading this today.. will choose to believe.. choose Life in Jesus. 

Father, open blind eyes and deaf ears!  Our nation is turning to lies and deception in so many ways.. we ask again that You would ".. let the evil of the wicked come to an end but establish the righteous"  (Psalm 7:9) Change hearts according to Your grace and mercy.. Jesus, draw all men and women to Yourself.. even as You said You would after You were lifted up. ( John 12:32) Thank You for every soul that has been rescued and every life redeemed through the blood that was shed on a cross for  us. Be glorified, Lord, we pray, as You bring many more into Your eternal Kingdom, for we ask this in Your Name..  Amen

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