Tuesday, May 30, 2023

 John 13:21-32  After Jesus had washed the disciples feet.. He told them that one of them would be a traitor... one of them was "not clean"... one did not believe. One of them would fulfill the prophet's words.. "He who eats My bread has lifted up his heel against Me."  

Betrayal.  It troubled Jesus.  Betrayal is always painful, but this betrayal was horrific.. for Jesus knew that Judas would end his own life because of the guilt that would cover him.  He knew that it was the work of satan in Judas' heart.. He knew that the sin that filled Judas could have been confessed and forgiven.. but that he would not repent.  This one that Jesus loved and had called.. the one that had traveled with Him and ate with Him... who had even performed miracles with His authority and in His name.. would leave the refuge of God's grace.. for eternity.  

I wonder.. is that how God felt when Lucifer rebelled?  Does God grieve the choices of those who fall away.. even the one who is most evil? 

Verse 27 "And after the morsel, Satan then entered into him.( Judas) Jesus therefore said to him, 'What you do, do quickly.'"   He spoke to Judas.. but might He also have been speaking to Satan? The betrayal.. the rebellion.. was two-fold.  Both physical and spiritual.. Judas betrayed Jesus by leading the enemy to Him in the garden.  Satan betrayed God by leading Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of good and evil in another garden. 

Yet, it is in this.. in the betrayal.. that Jesus says.. "Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in Him; if God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Himself, and will glorify Him immediately." ( v31-32) 

Father in heaven, Your Word tells us that these things happened for Your purposes.  You sent Your Son. You offered Him up for all of our sin.  You glorified Jesus through the betrayal and the consequences of that betrayal.. His crucifixion.. His burial.. and Hallelujah! His resurrection!  I am reminded of what Jesus said.. that if we deny Him..He will deny us before the throne... but if we confess His Name.. if we believe.. then we have Life through Him and He will never deny us.  How thankful I am to be able to say that Jesus Christ is truly Lord of all.. my Savior and my King forever.  Amen!

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