Monday, May 29, 2023

 John 13  Jesus told His followers that to believe in Him was the same as believing in the One who sent Him.. that to behold Him was the same as beholding His Father.. that when they heard His words.. they were hearing exactly what the Father wanted to say to them.  Jesus tells us that He came "as light".. He came to reveal what could not be seen in darkness.  He came to save the world from the judgement that it deserved.. but that judgement was already rendered against those who refused deliverance from it.  

This was Jesus' message.. because this was the Father's message. 

The last hours of His life were spent with His disciples in the upper room.  John gives us the most complete account of the Words that Jesus wanted to leave with His disciples and with us.  He began that night with the Passover supper, "knowing that His hour had come that He should depart out of this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end." 

"Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands and that He had come forth from God, and was going back to God, rose from supper, and laid aside His garments; and taking a towel, He girded Himself about."   Complete power and authority.. complete understanding.. the Lord of all..  the Master, the Light of the World.. the Word made flesh.. took on the role of a servant.  He washed the feet of His disciples.. as an example of great love and perfect humility. 

He told His disciples.. and us.. to "do as I did for you."  There is no one greater than Jesus.  No one can compare..  and in His final hours He wanted to leave this example.. "If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them." He tells us. To love even the one who would betray Him. To wash the feet of the one who would deny Him. To give His life for those who despised Him.. for while we were yet sinners.. Christ died for us.. for ALL of us. 

What does that kind of love look like in our lives?  How do we do as He did?  We lay down our lives and our pride. We serve others. We forgive those who hurt us. We help those who need help. We show mercy to those who are in need. We love with words and actions.. We walk in His Spirit and shine His Light into the darkness of this world. We love them "to the end". 

Father in heaven, our God and King, the Maker of heaven and earth, Lord of all.. we come to You in the Name of Jesus our Savior and Lord.. asking that You will work together all things in our lives, for Your purpose.. to conform us into the image of Jesus.  May we love like He does. May we do as He did.  May we truly know Your heart and do Your will according to Your Word. Spirit of God, fall fresh on us we pray. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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