Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Asking the Lord for vengeance

 Psalm 109   I can't begin to imagine singing this song.  David pours out his anger and frustration to the Lord.. because of his enemies. " O God of my praise, do not be silent."

David lists the wickedness of these enemies... 

They lied about him.
They hated him.
They fought against him.
They repaid him evil for any good he did.
They showed no love or mercy to the needy.
They afflicted, cursed, and even murdered .. 

David asks the Lord to intervene.. "But I am in prayer." he says.  He is very specific in his requests:
"Appoint a wicked man over him.. " 
Let them be accused and judged and found guilty.
Let his prayers be unanswered.
"Let his days be few"... his children fatherless.. his wife a widow.. 
Let all he had be taken away by creditors.
Let all his work be plundered.
Let even his children receive no mercy.
Let him have no posterity... all of his descendants "blotted out". 
Let his be clothed with "cursing as with his garment".. since he loved cursing so much. 

This is a powerful prayer.  

Yet, David is not finished, for he asks the Lord to "deal kindly with" him.. for His name's sake.
He cries out to God to show lovingkindness.. "for I am afflicted and needy and my heart is wounded within me."   He feels weak and failing.. "Help me, O Lord my God; save me according to Thy lovingkindness. And let them know that this is Thy hand... " 

He prays for God's blessing even while the enemy curses him. 
He wants gladness for himself and dishonor for the wicked. 

Then.. " With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the Lord; and in the midst of many I will praise Him. For He stands at the right hand of the needy, to save him from those who judge his soul." 

Father in heaven, what shall we pray for those who are wicked.. for those who persecute Your children.. for those who curse and hate and kill?  Shall we pray like David prayed?  You tell us to pray for our enemies and for those who persecute and spitefully use us.. We need Your wisdom to know how to even pray.  Lead us Spirit of God.  We do ask that Your will be done, no matter what.  We will trust You to judge others.. as well as to help us when we face these kinds of people.  Let Your Name be honored and Your grace and truth be our foundation.. always.  Thank You for Your lovingkindness and grace to us. In the name of Jesus our Lord we pray. Amen. 

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