Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Making known God's wonders and deeds!

 Psalm 105  The psalmist says, "Oh give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples.. speak of all His wonders..  remember what He has done.. "  

In our daily lives.. no matter what kinds of struggles we might be facing.. we can be encouraged.. strengthened and helped by doing just that.  "Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face continually..." He has not changed.. He is still the God who does wonders, who keeps His promises, and who brings His people "forth.. with joy". 

The Lord chose Israel to be His people. v6
He rules and judges all the earth. v7
He keeps His covenants. v8
He gave the land of Canaan as an inheritance for His people.v11
He sent Joseph into Egypt.v17
He tested him and set him in a place of power. v19
He brought Israel into Egypt.v23
He multiplied their numbers.. growing a nation.v24
He sent Moses and Aaron.. to perform "His wondrous acts". v26
He brought the people out of Egypt  v37
He gave them all they needed.. v40

All of this was for His purposes.. "So that they might keep His statutes and observe His laws." v45

All these things are the same as what  the Lord has done for us.. choosing us to be His own, giving us a great inheritance.. eternal life; providing places of service and fruitfulness.. using us to do His works; providing for our needs!  His purpose remains the same too.. that we might live according to His word, not by works of the Law.. but by faith in Jesus Christ who fulfilled all of the Law, and by the Spirit who sanctifies us through and through that we might be all that He wills for us to be. 

Father in heaven, we praise Your Name.  Thank You for making known Your deeds and wonders to us.  May we remember Your glory and Your greatness with gladness and joy.  May we find strength in Your Presence as we meditate on these truths. You are the Lord our God! We give You thanks and offer our praises to You in song! Amen. 

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