Monday, November 14, 2022

The lovingkindness of the Lord.. continued..

 Psalm 107: 33-43

The first part of this psalm gave us the four categories of those in distress... the lost wanderers, the imprisoned, the foolish rebels, and the storm-tossed sailors.   Each, we read, came to a point of desperation, cried out to the Lord, and were saved.  They were exhorted to give thanks.. to declare the wonderful works of the Lord on their behalf. 

This psalm is so powerful!  

How many of us have been like the lost wanderer.. and because of God's lovingkindness.. we have been led to "an inhabited city"... a community of believers.. a place to belong? 

How many of us have "dwelt in darkness".. imprisoned by "misery and chains".. wrong choices, wrong relationships, rebellion against God's truth.. and have cried out to the Lord and found deliverance and freedom in Christ.? 

How many of us have been fools.. sickened by our own sinfulness and dying in our rebellion.. until we cried out to Jesus and He saved us?  

How many of us have "reeled and staggered".. because of the storms of life.. and have cried out to Jesus and found that He caused the "storm to be still".. He quieted the waves.. He brought us to our "desired haven"?

I  have!  And I give thanks to the Lord for His loving kindness to me!  I extol Him! 

Our God... is so great! The rest of this psalm gives us more to consider... 

V33-34  Our great God can make a river into a desert.  He can change a bubbling spring into a dry and "thirsty ground".  He can take a thriving land and make it into a "salt waste"... because of the wickedness of those who dwell in it."  There are consequences to man's sinfulness that go beyond personal distress.  This psalm tells us that God changes the landscape because of wickedness!  

V35-38 - Our great God can also change a desert into a "pool of water."  He can make dry ground into a spring! He can bring the hungry to a place of fruitfulness.. and establish a home... a city where they can "sow fields and plant vineyards, and gather fruitful harvests."  He will bless and multiply, protect and prosper those who will trust in Him. 

V41-42  God is a righteous judge.  He "pours contempt" on those who choose "oppression, misery, and sorrow".  But, He blesses the "needy".  He rescues them from affliction, gathers them into His "flock". 

"Who is wise? Let him give heed to these things; and consider the loving kindnesses of the Lord". 

Father in heaven, You are so good.. You are great and do wonderful deeds!  You are merciful and gracious and abundant in lovingkindness!  We give You thanks and praise.  We are thankful that we can know You and trust You.  Nothing is impossible for You.. and You choose to work on behalf of those who cry out to You, fully surrendering themselves into Your Hands!  Help the wanderers, the imprisoned, the foolish rebels, and those facing giant storms today, Lord God.. May they cry out to You and find that You are able to .. and are willing to.. help in their distress.  Nothing is impossible for You!  Hallelujah!! Once again we give thanks to You.. for Your great love and for Your wonderful works to us. Amen! 

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