Friday, November 18, 2022

The goodness of God

 Psalm 111  "Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart." 

This psalm is another great example of just how to worship and praise the Lord.  Verse 1 tells us that the psalmist praises the Lord in the "company of the upright" as well as in the "assembly".   In the intimate group and in the great crowd..  This thanksgiving season let us practice this.. as we gather in small groups of family or in bigger gatherings with others.. let us praise the Lord!

The psalmist praises the Lord for His works:  "Great are the works of the Lord... splendid and majestic is His work.. He has made known the power of His works.. " ( v2,3, 6)  "They are studied by all who delight in them."   We need to think about, study- seek out.. remember the works of the Lord:  

His righteousness.. His grace.. His compassion.. His truth.. His justice..  His redemption.. His covenant.   

"He has made His wonders to be remembered."  All that He has done.. all that He has made.. all the wonders of creation.. the wonders of salvation through Jesus Christ.. the wonders of His deep love for each of us.. the wonder of His personal interest and care for every single one of His creations.. 

God has given us the privilege of entering into His Kingdom through Jesus Christ. He has made an everlasting covenant with us. He will uphold it forever! 

"Holy and awesome is His name." 

This, the psalmist tells us, this worshiping, this remembering and studying the works of the Lord, brings us to fear Him.. to revere Him.. . which is "the beginning of wisdom".  When we have a good understanding of Who our God is and the wonder of His works.. as we study and remember what He has done.. we cannot help but sing out His praise!

Father in heaven,  You have been so good to me.  I praise Your Holy and awesome Name!  You made the heavens and the earth.. and when we take time.. to be still and look at Your creation, we delight in them.  The sky above us.. blue or with great clouds.. the stars and the moon.. the wonder of the the sun with its great power to send light and warmth.. The oceans and the mountains.. the forests and the meadows.. even the smallest flower.. we delight in the splendor and majesty of Your works! But, more than anything, Lord, we delight in the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.  What amazing grace You have bestowed on us.. that we should be called Your sons and daughters because of the work of Christ on the cross.  We praise the Lord, forever and ever! Amen

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