Thursday, November 17, 2022

The dominion of the King

 Psalm 110  "The Lord ( Jehovah) says to my Lord (Adoni); sit at My right hand, until I make Thine enemies a footstool for Thy feet." 

This is a Psalm written by David.. many years before the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Lord.  It turns our thoughts and our eyes heavenward.. for we are waiting for that day when all the enemies of Christ are brought into complete  surrender and submission. 

David prophesied that the Lord will extend His "strong scepter".. that He will rule over all people.. forever. 

Furthermore.. this King will be "a priest forever... according to the order of Melchizedek".  A different kind of King and a different kind of priest.  He will rule.  He will judge. He will "shatter the chief men".  He will be satisfied and He will be exalted. 

In Matthew 22:44 Jesus quotes from this psalm.. questioning the Pharisees about the true identity of the Messiah. They refused to answer.. perhaps because they did not know.. or they did not want to admit that the He just might be the "son of David" who came to rule as King forever. 

It is our confession that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Son of David.. He is King and Priest forever and ever! Amen!  We stand on this truth and are so thankful for such a firm foundation. 

Father, we are waiting.. alert... with expectation that the Day is coming soon.. when Christ Jesus will come again.. He will extend His scepter.. He will rule over all and His enemies will be made a footstool for His feet.  O Lord, haste the day!  May we stand firmly until that day.. strong in Your strength, resisting evil, and serving You with all our hearts.  You are so good to us, Lord God, that we should know the righteousness of Christ that covers us.. lead us in Your ways we pray in His wonderful Name . Amen. 

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