Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The wonder of God's creation!

 Psalm 104  The core of this psalm is found in verse 24 "O Lord, how many are Thy works! In wisdom Thou hast made them all; The earth is full of Thy possessions." 

The psalmist continues to praise the Lord.. "Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, Thou art very great; Thou art clothed with splendor and majesty, covering Thyself with light as with a cloak, stretching out heaven like a tent curtain."  I am reminded here, that.. as vast as the universe that we live in is.. that God dwells beyond its edges.. He is transcendent.. Tozer wrote.. "Forever God stands apart, in light unapproachable. He is as high above an archangel as above a caterpillar, for the gulf that separates the archangel from the caterpillar is finite, while the gulf between God and the archangel is infinite. The caterpillar and the archangel, though far removed from each other in the scale of created things, are nevertheless one in that they are alike created. They both belong in the category of that-which-is-not-God and are separated from God by infinitude itself." 

All of creation.. the vast creation that mankind can not even comprehend.. comes from the Hand of God.. actually the Word of God, when He said, "Let there be...

He created the heavens.. laying, as it were, beams above the atmosphere surrounding us. v3
He made the clouds and the winds and fire... for His use. v3-4
He "established the earth" - a firm foundation..and covered it with oceans, mountains, and valleys.. according to His directions.. v5-9
He provided springs of water.. for the "beast of the field" and for the "wild donkeys". v10-11
He made the birds and appointed them to "lift up their voices among the branches" v12

"The earth is satisfied with the fruit of His works." v13  Yet, this is just the beginning of God's many works... for He:
Made the grass to feed the cattle and vegetation to feed mankind. v14
He created the wine and the oil and the food "which sustains man's heart." v15
He created trees... mountains... the moon and the sun.. daylight and dark nights.. 
He created the seas.. the animals "both great and small".. 

And "all wait for Thee, to give them their food in due season. Thou dost give it to them, they gather it up.  Thou dost open Thy hand, they are satisfied with good." (vv27-28)

And yet there is more! 
God sometimes hides His face..He takes away the breath of life.. He returns living bodies to the dust. 
But, He also renews life.. always at work in His creation!

" Let the glory of the Lord endure forever; Let the Lord be glad in His works;"  The psalmist sings, " I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being."

Father in heaven, Creator of heaven and earth.. there is no other God but You.  All things belong to You. All of creation is made for Your purposes and for Your glory. Let the earth and all that is in it praise Your Name.  As we meditate on Your Word.. thinking of the greatness of Your works.. the wisdom of Your creation.. the faithfulness of Your provisions.. I pray that You will open our eyes, that we might grasp the length and height, the vast breadth and depth of Your love for the works of Your hand.. for every individual.. every creature.. every part of Your kingdom... for us... for me.   Bless the Lord, O my soul.. and all that is within me.. Bless His holy Name!  Amen. 

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