Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Psalm 79

 Psalm 79  In his book, The Knowledge of the Holy, Tozer writes this about the sovereignty of God : "Within the broad field of God's sovereign, permissive will the deadly conflict of good with evil continues with increasing fury. God will yet have His way in the whirlwind and the storm, but the storm and the whirlwind are here, and as responsible beings we must make our choice in the present situation."   In the midst of Hurricane Ian.. I find this statement highly impactful... 

 Tozer goes on to speak of the "law of choice and consequences".  God has made clear that only those who commit themselves to Christ will receive eternal Life.  Those who "love darkness and continue in rebellion against the high authority of heaven shall remain in a state of spiritual alienation and suffer eternal death at last."  He writes, "... whoever is on God's side is on the winning side and cannot lose; whoever is on the other side is on the losing side and cannot win. Here there is no chance, no gamble. There is freedom to choose which side we shall be on but no freedom to negotiate the results of the choice once it is made.  By the mercy of God we may repent a wrong choice and alter the consequences by making a new and right choice. Beyond that we cannot go." 

So, as we approach Psalm 79, this is what I am thinking of..  for the psalmist is lifting his complaint to the Lord.. " O God, the nations have invaded Thine inheritance.. "  A whirlwind indeed... 

The temple was defiled.
Jerusalem was in ruins.
The servants of God were killed. Their bodies devoured by the vultures.. 
The land had become a reproach.

"How long, O Lord? Wilt Thou be angry forever?" the psalmist cries out. ".. Do not remember the iniquities of our forefathers against us; Let Thy compassion come quickly to meet us." 

The consequences of sin had brought Jerusalem to ruin. They had rebelled. They had made a choice and reaped the harvest of their sins.  But, here the psalmist prays and his prayer begins with repentance:

Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Thy name; And deliver us, and forgive our sins, for Thy name's sake. Why should the nations say, 'Where is their God?'"

The psalmist then makes his request to God.  He prays for the the Lord to avenge the blood of His servants.  He prays for deliverance for the prisoners. He prays for the reproach that Israel experienced be turned back to their enemies. 

Then finally, the psalmist ends his prayer with thanksgiving and praise. "So we Thy people and the sheep of Thy pasture will give thanks to Thee forever; to all generations we will tell of Thy praise." 

Father in heaven, we choose You. We choose to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is our Savior and has paid our ransom.. Hallelujah!  We desire to live in surrender and obedience to Your good and perfect will.  Yes, we are "but flesh".. and we often fail to hit the mark of true holiness.. but You have forgiven us and given to us the righteousness of Christ and we are so thankful.  We pray that You will deliver us from whatever whirlwinds that come our way.... that Your will be done in our hearts and minds and wills.  To the glory of Your holy Name.  We are Your people and the sheep of Your pasture.. and we want no other way.  To God be the glory and honor and power and praise. Amen

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