Monday, September 19, 2022

Matthew 27

 Matthew 27:11-32  Jesus was beaten up by the guards at the high priest's house and then transported to stand before Pilate, the governor.  The Jews would have gladly killed Jesus themselves, but they could not.. so they bullied Pilate into doing it for them.  Pilate tried to get out of it. 

He tried to get Jesus to say something in His own defense.

He tried to release Him according to his custom to release one prisoner during Passover. 

He tried to convince the Jews that their accusations were not enough to warrant a death sentence. 

He tried washing his hands of the matter. 

But.. he finally gave in to the demands.."Then he released Barabbas for them; but after having Jesus scourged, he delivered Him to be crucified."

The Jewish leaders pushed and hounded and "persuaded" the crowd to do their will.. they even took the responsibility for the death of their Messiah.. "His blood be on us and on our children."

No sadder words could ever be spoken. 

Jesus was mocked. 
He was stripped and covered by a scarlet robe.  
A crown of thorns pierced His head.
A reed was put in His hands.
He was spit on. 
He was beaten again.  
The blood soaked robe was pulled from His body.

And He was led away to be crucified. 

Father in heaven, did Your heart break? Did the anguish of Your Beloved Son bring tears? Did the angels stop singing? Was there silence in the heavens?  Oh how marvelous is Your grace! For this was the plan for our salvation.. the sacrifice that would bring about the full redemption of all who will believe!  Once again.. we bow before You.. in awe.. in adoration.. of the love poured out for us by the precious Lamb of God.  Oh Jesus!  We love You. We thank You for coming for us.. for doing what we can never do.. for paying the full price for our forgiveness. May we live every moment in the light of Your goodness and grace. Amen!

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