Monday, September 5, 2022

Matthew 24:42-51

 Matthew 24:42-51 Jesus gives two more illustrations for us to think about in regard to His glorious return to reign forever.  

Verses 42 tells us to be on the alert, "for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.." and verse 44 tells us.. "be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not think He will.. "  Both of these statements emphasize 2 important facts... 1) we need to be prepared and 2) His return will be a surprise.  

In between these 2 statements is the illustration:  The head of a household and the thief.  If we knew when someone was planning to come break into our house in the night.. I'm sure we would be prepared! We would definitely "be alert" and "ready".   We would watch through the windows.. we would listen for a rustle of the bushes or a quiet footstep outside the door.. We would be on high alert!  But, unfortunately, we don't know when someone is coming to break into our house. We are usually not as careful as we should be... and it is then that the thief takes us by surprise. 

The next illustration continues with this thought using a different scenario: The owner of a large household leaves a slave in charge while he goes somewhere.  His return date is unknown. There are two possible outcomes when he returns home:

1)  The slave is "faithful and sensible" doing all that he has been charged to do.. he has taken care of the household properly.. so, when the master returns unexpectedly... he is so pleased with the work of the slave that he gives him a huge promotion and puts him in a place of honor. 

2)  The slave is "evil". He takes advantage of the master's absence to do whatever he wants.  He beats his fellow slaves. He eats and drinks "with the drunkards".. So, when the master returns unexpectedly.. he is outraged...and the slave is put to death and assigned to hell.. where there is "weeping.. and the gnashing of teeth." 

Again we are reminded of the need to be alert and prepared.. but also, Jesus tells us we must be faithful as we wait.  ".. faithful and sensible.. "   We cannot be truly ready unless we are living according to God's holy word that "shall never pass away".  We do not know the day or hour. but we do know what He desires for us to be doing until He comes.. loving Him and loving others.  

Father in heaven, we love Your graciousness and kindness to us.. We love that You love us.. that You sing over us.. that You enjoy fellowship with us.  We love Your light that shines on us.. like the sun.. day in and day out.. on cloudy, rainy days as well as clear ones.  You have delivered us out of darkness by sending the Light of the World to be our Savior and King.  Help us to be ready.. faithful and alert.. prepared for the greatest surprise that will ever come.  Father, send forth workers into Your harvest.. to gather more lost sinners that they might turn to Jesus and be saved from the wrath to come.  Bring salvation that Your Name will be praised more and more in all the earth.  In Jesus' name we ask this. Amen. 

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