Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Matthew 25:1-13

 Matthew 25:1-13  Jesus  continues to teach His disciples about His return.  This parable again emphasizes the vital necessity of being prepared for that day.  "Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour." (v13)

Jesus said that "the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins who took their lamps, and went out to meet the bridegroom."   The bridegroom was coming.. on his way.. but the time was unknown. So, the bridal party did what they did in those days.. they went out to wait. Not knowing the hour, they brought oil lamps with them.  But, five were "foolish" and were not prepared for an extended wait.. so they didn't bring extra oil.  The other five were "prudent" and came prepared with flasks of extra oil.  As the night continued on they all slept a bit.. until they heard the shout, "Behold the bridegroom!" It was midnight and the lamps were running low on oil.. so the prepared women refilled their lamps and kept their lights shining, while the foolish ones had to return to the store and buy more. Since it was midnight, they probably had to wait a while...  By the time they returned, the bridegroom had come, the door was shut and it was too late. 

Too late..  such tragic words. Too late to repent. Too late to find the free salvation offered to all by our gracious God. Too late to live a life of light and love and grace. Too late to find forgiveness and peace.. with God and with others. Too late...  Oh how that saddens my heart when I think of loved ones who have passed away without knowing Jesus.  There is no greater pain, I think.  Imagine how much it hurts the Lord's heart too... 

Father in heaven, truly You are great and mighty and holy!  Your Word is Truth and Your ways are righteous and just. Thank You for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord. Thank You that we can come into Your Kingdom before it is "too late".  Father, still, our hearts are burdened for the lost ones.. foolishly wandering here and there, not knowing that the time is coming when Christ shall return and it will be too late for them to change their minds.  Oh Father, send forth Your workers into the harvest!  Spirit of God, move in the lives of our unsaved loved ones.. for we are pleading for Your mercy on their behalf.  You are the God who does the impossible.. move the mountains of unbelief and doubts and fears, Lord! We ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus. Amen.

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