Friday, September 9, 2022

Matthew 26:1-25

Matthew 26:1-25  This chapter opens with Jesus plainly telling His disciples.. "You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man is to be delivered up for crucifixion."  He knew that the time had come. He prepared them the best He could. The events were set in motion... 

The chief priests and elders decided their course.. 

The woman anointed Him for burial.. 

Judas made his bargain.. 

The  Passover meal began.. 

The betrayer was revealed.. 

Yet, they all still seemed unaware that this was really going to happen.  

They were indignant at the woman "wasting" the expensive perfume.. 

They were concerned about where the passover meal would be served.. 

They were each afraid that they themselves might betray Jesus..

Luke tells us that Jesus said, "I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.. " He also tells us that the disciples were still arguing about who among them was the greatest!  

John slows us down from Matthew's quick recap of the events.. sharing the intimate details of this last supper. 

He tells of the way the Teacher washed the feet of His disciples.

He tells of the moment that Judas left the room..

He tells of the denial of Jesus that Peter would make in a few short hours.

He tells of the comfort Jesus offered to them.. of the prayer He prayed for them.. of the promises He made to them.. and then they went out.. to Gethsemane. 

Father in heaven, as we remember that night.. as we think of all the significance of those last hours before Jesus was crucified.. we bow before You, humbled, contrite, amazed.. and so very thankful! You who made everything, the One that all creation depends on for life.. sent Your Son.. the Word became flesh.. and gave Himself to die on a cross.. for us.  Hallelujah, What a Savior!  Father, may we hear Your voice today.. and do Your will.. in word and in action.. in oneness with our Savior and King.. to the glory of Your Name. Amen. 

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