Friday, September 23, 2022

Psalm 76

 Psalm 76  Once again I return to the Old Testament.. to finish the last half of the book of Psalms.  This Psalm proclaims the majesty and might of our God.  "God is known in Judah;" the writer begins... and this is the Truth that is vital to us also.. that we could join our voices and say.. "God is known to me.. ." Oh what grace!  Only because He revealed Himself to us.. only because He chose to love us.. only because He purposed to redeem us.. all because of His marvelous grace!

"His name is great in Israel." the psalmist adds.  And this brings to mind Psalm 145:3 "Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable."  Jesus teaches us to pray..  "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name."  His Name is great.. whether we call Him Adonai.. Jehovah.. Almighty God, or Father.. we are hallowing.. honoring His great Name. Acknowledging that there is no other Name.. no other God that is great like our God. 

Verse 2 tells of one way that God is great.. He established His dwelling place.. in Jerusalem.  He came to be in the center of His people. He made a way for them to know Him and to worship.  He stopped the arrows , the swords, and the "weapons of war".  Great is our God. He has established.. in our hearts.. a dwelling place too.. to be in the center of all who call on the Name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

v4 "Thou art resplendent, more majestic than the mountains of prey."  Resplendent - dazzling - magnificent, shining..glorious... worthy of high praise. 

The Lord judged those who came against His people.. they were "plundered" and they died. They were "rebuked" and destroyed.  Our God is a God to be feared by those who do evil. They will not stand in His presence in their sin and arrogance.  His judgement is fierce in His anger.. and it will cause the earth to fear and be still. (v5-8)

All of this, the psalmist continues, is because He came to "save all the humble of the earth."  Hallelujah! Therefore.. we must praise Him!  We must fulfill our vows to Him. We must bring Him gifts.. sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving.. even our very selves..  (v9-11)

We serve a God who judges the princes and kings of this world.  He is the Judge of the dictator and the elected officials.  He is the judge.. and therefore to be feared. 

Father in heaven, we hallow Your Name.  May Your Name be honored and kept sacred in this world. We praise You, Father, for making Yourself known to us through Jesus Christ. We thank You for the grace that has been lavished on us.. for how else could we ever stand before You?  Thank You for redeeming us from the pit.. and saving us from our enemy.  May we ever commit ourselves to You with whole hearts.. May we walk in faith that Your grace.. Your power.. Your love will be seen in our lives this day.  Use us according to Your will, that the darkness be overcome by the Light of Your majesty. In the Name of Jesus, our Lord and King, we pray. Amen

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