Monday, September 26, 2022

Psalm 77

 Psalm 77 The first part of this psalm, verses 1-10, tell of the great anguish of the writer.  He is greatly troubled. 

He cannot sleep. His prayers feel in vain.

He can't find comfort in his normal approach to God.. not in prayer.. not in songs.. not in his memories. 

"Then I said, " It is my grief, that the right hand of the Most High has changed." 

He is confessing his wrong thinking.. 

Then the psalmist makes a deliberate decision to change focus.. to "meditate on all Thy work..." To turn his thoughts fully towards remembering the great ways and deeds of God.

"Thy way, O God, is holy;" (v13)  

Always a good place to start .. a statement of faith!   Tozer wrote, "We trust in what God is. I believe that this alone is true faith."   The courage of the psalmist is revealed in these the midst of impossible circumstances.. he turns his eyes to the God of the impossible.  This is what God IS.. He is holy and His way is holy. 

"What god is like our God?" he asks.. and we need to remember too!

He works wonders!

He redeems people!

He parts waters!

He sends a whirlwind to do His bidding!

He lights up the world!

He makes the earth to tremble!

He can walk through the deepest ocean.. and

He leads His people! 

This is the God we serve.  Yes, there may be a hurricane coming..but we have a God who is bigger than a hurricane! In fact, it is completely in His control. No matter what happens.. whether a physical storm or a financial storm... an emotional upset or a crisis of any kind.. we can turn our anxious thoughts over to Him.. make our requests.. knowing with confidence that He hears us.. even if we don't feel it.. and we can find comfort in the God who moves mountains!  Hallelujah!

Father in heaven, You are holy.  Your ways are holy. Your Name is to be hallowed.. may it be so in all the earth. Keep us walking in faith, believing that You are who You say You are.. and resting in that Truth. Be glorified in our lives.. the life that You have given to us in Christ Jesus. our blessed Lord. Be near to us today in what ever storms are heading our way and may we find that You are indeed here with us.. always!  Amen. 

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