Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Psalm 78

 Psalm 78

"Listen, O my people, to my instruction... " the psalmist begins.  For 72 verses Asaph writes a song.. remembering the history of Israel, from the deliverance from Egypt to the reign of David.. God had been gracious.. and Israel had failed to remain faithful.  There is a lesson that needed to be taught.  A lesson that needed to be handed down from one generation to the next.  Do "not conceal them from [your] children.." those words of God.. His commandments and His works. What a vital message! We must be more faithful than ancient Israel.. to teach our children well!

What an important thing for us to remember.. to put into action as much and as often as we can! To "tell to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done." ( v4)  God commanded Israel to teach their children.. who in turn would teach their children. "That they should put their confidence in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments." 

Failure to teach the Truths of God would result in "a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation that did not prepare its heart and whose spirit was not faithful to God. "(v8) And we see this truth with our own eyes in our own generations.. 

The rest of this psalm is a history of Israel - a reminder of what exactly it was that they needed to remember and teach their children.. the things that bring them back to the fear of God.. to obey His commands and find Life in Him:

The miracles that brought them out of Egypt.. the divided sea.. the cloud that led by day and the fire by night.. the manna from heaven.. the quail that fell like rain on their camp.. the water from the rock.. the plagues and the the provisions. 

God "being compassionate, forgave their iniquity and did not destroy them; and often He restrained His anger and did not arouse His wrath.." (v38)...  even though Israel complained.. failed to believe.. rebelled.. and forgot Him.. over and over and over again.  "They did not remember His power.. " verse 42 says.. and perhaps that is something that we also need to think on once again. 

When we truly trust Him.. He will lead us, like He did His people.. "like sheep".. to  guide us "in the wilderness like a flock".. to "safety, so that [we] do not fear".  He gave His people David.. to shepherd "them according the the integrity of his heart, and [guide] them with his skillful hands", the psalmist concludes.  And we are reminded of the Good Shepherd, who leads us to still waters.. to green pastures.. through valleys of shadows.. and will lead us finally and forever Home.  Hallelujah!

We must remember His power!

Father in heaven, Holy God and Righteous King, we come to You once again, to lay down our lives.. to take up our crosses and to follow Jesus.. our Good Shepherd.  He laid down His life for us!  He rose again from the grave.. conquering every enemy.. hallelujah!  He has all authority in heaven and on the earth.. and He is on our side!  You move mountains.. You part the waters.. You heal the blind and set the prisoners free.  You are compassionate and forgiving.. You know that we are "but flesh".. weak and often fickle.. forgive us.  Come, Holy Spirit, and lead us into Your Truth once again.. fill our hearts and our minds with Your Word.  You are our strength..  May we be faithful to tell the next generation of Your mighty works and never.. ever.. forget Your power. Hallelujah.. nothing is impossible for our God! Praise the Lord! Amen. 

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