Thursday, April 7, 2022

Matthew 5: 1-3  Jesus went about "proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom".  The Beatitudes.. as we call this text.. are the key truths that Jesus taught about kingdom living.  The word "beatitude" is actually a Latin word meaning "blessed" or "happy".   The Key-Word Study Bible says that the word used here, "blessed" means to be "characterized by the quality of God 'blessedness'".  The author says, "When one is indwell by God, and God's nature is in him, he has the kingdom of God within him." 

We go from the message given by John the Baptist and Jesus telling the the "kingdom of heaven is at hand".. to the words of Jesus in Luke 17:21 " for behold the kingdom of God is in your midst ( within you)".  As the commentary says, "Blessedness is that basic condition created by Christ's indwelling in man's heart which brings a fundamental satisfaction in the life of a believer."  This is a "progressive" movement in the life of a believer that must start with the first beatitude.. "blessed are the poor in spirit". 

Poor - "ptochos" -  a beggar.  One with nothing.. helpless.. living off the alms that he begs for.. not able to even help himself.  Jesus tells us that the "kingdom of heaven" belongs to those who are spiritual beggars. They are indeed, blessed!   How can that be?  Because, when we recognize that we are spiritually helpless to save ourselves, we turn to the One who alone can save us.. Jesus Christ.  He gives us life.  He satisfies our greatest need.  He comes into our lives and dwells within us and the kingdom is "in our midst."  Hallelujah!

We cannot come to the kingdom in any other way, except that we acknowledge our poverty.  Many cannot do that.  They think that they can work hard enough.. be righteous enough.. do enough good things.. or have the right kind of character or family connections to enter God's kingdom. Pride keeps people from begging.. even when they are desperately in need.  Over and over.. Old Testament and New.. God condemns pride and exalts humility.  Our world is in desperate need of this Truth.  Isn't it telling that the word "Pride" as used in the world today blatantly symbolizes a lifestyle that is totally abhorrent to the character of Christ?

Father in heaven, with humble, sorrowful hearts we bow before You.. Sovereign King, Creator of heaven and earth, Almighty God.. and we ask that Your Kingdom will come.  Come to this world that is lost and helpless and full of prideful sin.  Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Hallelujah !  We are beggars, pleading for other beggars who think they don't need You, Lord.  They are helpless unless You pour out Your mercy and grace once again.. for a world of lost sinners, Jesus, You were slain.  Open their eyes Lord.  Give us boldness to bear witness of  Your wonderful love,  Your power to redeem, Your abiding presence and power that indwells us.  We ask this in the Name that is above all names, Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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