Tuesday, April 26, 2022

 Matthew 6:1-7 Jesus taught that Kingdom citizens need a righteousness that "surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees".  We need to go beyond the standard that they were using to measure themselves.  Yes, their standards were high.. perfect obedience to the Law.. and to their rules.  The problem was.. it was all superficial and no body could do it!  Jesus taught that God's standards are much higher... He requires a perfect heart that looks beyond the Law.  The examples in Matthew 5:21-48 show just how high God's standards are for His Kingdom.  We can't do it unless we go back to the beginning.. repentance first.. then following Jesus .  We need all that He provides.. awareness of our helplessness, mourning our sins.. humbling ourselves.. hungering for righteousness... fully His.. covered by His righteousness alone!

Jesus is continuing to teach the good news of the Kingdom.  He is leading His followers to True Kingdom living.  Here, He teaches, "Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them."

"Practicing your righteousness... "  This is an interesting statement, isn't it?  We don't think of righteousness in this way.. something we do.. we think of it as something that we have ( because of Christ).  But, Jesus is using it as a verb, not a noun here.  He gives three examples. Righteousness is being equitable - just - doing what is right.  Right about giving.. right about praying.. and right about fasting.

"When therefore you give alms.. " (v2)   Giving alms is an act of righteousness. The Greek word is "eleemosune" meaning compassionateness or beneficence - acts of compassion or mercy.  It is something that we are supposed to do.. freely we receive.. freely give.  The problem is HOW we do it.  Jesus said that "hypocrites" played a trumpet and gave their alms for an audience.. "that they may be honored by men."  It was play acting.. for they had no compassion for the poor.  It was all for show. Self-serving.  True righteousness.. that would please the Father.. would be giving "in secret".  Jesus said, ".. do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."  Let only the One who sees in secret, "your Father" be the only one who knows what you are doing.  Don't make it about yourself.. it's about the one in need and the Father who sees. 

"And when you pray.. "  Jesus is saying that prayer is an act of righteousness.  To pray is to come near to God, to bring supplications to Him and to worship Him.  It is communion with our God and Father.  The "hypocrites" loved to "stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners, in order to be seen by men."  Again, it was all about themselves.. and had nothing to do with God. How awful that something so precious and intimate as communion with the Lord was turned into a performance for show!  Jesus taught that "when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will repay you."  Prayer is to be a personal, private act of communion with God. ( But this does not exclude praying together with other believers!) It needs to be real.. not a show.  It also was not to be "meaningless repetition".  Prayer is not chanting words.. it not one-sided.  It is far greater than any of that! It is so important that Jesus stops to give us an example.. ( which I will look at tomorrow!)

Father in heaven, teach us to pray.  Fill us with Your Spirit of Truth and draw us into this intimate communion.. in the secret places where we meet with You. Thank You for the Word of Life that teaches us the way of Living that is real and vital. May we not "do righteousness" for show, but be genuine in our every action, with hearts of love and surrender.  In the Name of Jesus we ask this. amen. 

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