Wednesday, April 6, 2022

 Matthew 4: 12-25  After the wilderness experience, Jesus went back to Galilee.  He settled down for a season in Capernaum.  From there he would travel all over Israel "proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom". ( v23)  The prophet Isaiah had announced the "great light".. Who would come from Galilee.  Here, Matthew tells us, the prophecy was fulfilled.  Jesus came to bring Light "to those who were sitting in darkness.. in the land and shadow of death."  

What is the "gospel of the kingdom" that Jesus preached?  We think of the gospel as the story of Jesus.. His birth, His death, and His resurrection.. and it is!  There is no greater gospel.. Good News!  It is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  But, Matthew writes, "Jesus was going about in all Galilee teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the gospel.. (the good news).. of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people."

Verse 17 tells us that the first thing Jesus preached was, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." The nearness of the Kingdom is "good news"!   It is a Light in the darkness.  It is available. The door is opened and the King has come to welcome us in. There is a requirement though.. to come in.. one must repent.. it is the same message that John had started with.. a change of mind.. an acknowledgement of sin and a choice to turn away from it. The Kingdom of heaven is a place where sin cannot stay.  Sin must be left behind. 

The second thing we learn about the Kingdom is that when the invitation comes, not only is there a requirement that one repent.. confess and turn away from sin.. but a willingness to leave everything to follow Jesus.  Verses 18-22 tell us that Jesus called Peter and Andrew, John and James.. as they were at work. "and they immediately left the nets and followed Him."  The Kingdom of heaven is worth leaving everything else.. even the good things.. behind.

The third thing we learn about the Kingdom is that there is a power available that is beyond human ability or experience.  Jesus healed "every kind of disease.. "  The news traveled as far as Syria.. and people came from everywhere.. "and they brought to Him all who were ill, taken with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He healed them." The Kingdom of heaven is a place of wholeness.. of mercy and compassion.. and peace. 

Later on, when the Pharisees tried to accuse Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Satan, Jesus rebuked them severely.  In Matthew 12:28 He said, "But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. "   Everything that Jesus did while He walked the earth was "kingdom" work.  As King of kings, Jesus reigns wherever He is..  for where He is.. IS His Kingdom. When He opens the door and welcomes us in.. and we enter with repentance and follow Him.. when we believe that He is our King and that He has conquered Satan, conquered death, conquered sin, and that He has brought us into His Kingdom.. oh that is GOOD NEWS!

Father in heaven, we are so thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Thankful for the Kingdom that is ours through Jesus!  Teach us anew the great truths of the gospel.. that we might not grow weary or cold or take it for granted.. but that we would rejoice with unspeakable joy as Your Light floods our hearts and lives once again.  We are such needy people Lord.  We become bogged down with the things of this world, thinking that these are the things that matter.. when all that really matters is that Your Kingdom has come and that there is a day.. just ahead.. when we will see it in all its fulness! Open our eyes Lord, we want to see Jesus.. our King forever. Amen!

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