Wednesday, April 27, 2022

 Matthew 6:8-9  "Therefore do not be like them;"  Don't be like those who pray to be noticed.  Don't be like those who repeat meaningless words.  Don't pray like those who act like they won't be heard.  "for your Father knows what you need, before you ask Him."   If prayer is communion and worship with God.. if it is bringing our supplications to our Father.. then it has to be a real conversation between two beings.. between God and His child....  It's not for the purpose of being noticed by others.  It's not just meaningless repetition.  It. is. a. conversation.   A holy, purposeful, meaningful, intimate, sacred conversation with our heavenly Father. 

"Pray then in this way.. "  Jesus begins.  This is the pattern, the example.. it is not just more words to be repeated without meaning.  It is a perfect prayer.. but it should never become rote and empty.  

 There are many books about this prayer that are wonderful and much greater than my ramblings here.. but, this is what I have learned and am learning about this model that Jesus gives us:

"Our Father who art in heaven, "   We acknowledge that we are coming to the One True God.. He is our Father  and He is holy.   He sits on the lofty and exalted throne of heaven.. surrounded by radiance and beauty; worshiped by the angels and elders.. He is in the midst of lightning, thunder and majestic glory..  and we are invited into His presence.. to boldly enter the throne room.. to ask for His help in times of need. And we have learned that we are always in need.. and that He knows what we need before we ask Him.. but He invites us in anyway.  He doesn't do this so we can repeat meaningless words.. He does this because He loves us and wants to talk with His child... To have a precious time of conversation with the one He loves... 

I need to stop here for now... I am overwhelmed with the truth that the Holy Spirit is stirring in my heart. 

Father, our holy Father,  draw us nearer.. bring us to the feet of Your throne.  Teach us. Fill us. Move us. Change us, so that when we pray.. we will no longer allow our conversations with You to become rote or hurried or meaningless. Thank You for this precious prayer that Jesus has taught us.  Help us to grasp all that You want to teach us though it now. Thank You. amen. 

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