Monday, April 25, 2022

 Matthew 5:33-48   Jesus wants us to understand the difference between what the people thought the Law said and what God really intended.  They wanted it to be a set of rules that they could work around.  He meant it to be Truth that would fill their hearts and transform their lives.  He wanted them to be His People - like Him in holiness and perfection.. complete.  

Verses 33-37 This section is about making vows or oaths.  A vow, according to the Bible Dictionary,  is an expression of devotion, a promise to God.  It could be conditional or not...  If God does such and such... then I will do.. That is a conditional vow. A Nazarite vow was unconditional.  The verse quoted here comes from Leviticus and emphasized that a false vow was worse than no vow at all. This is the point Jesus is making.  To make a vow or swear an oath.. using the name of God would be a binding promise.  The integrity of the person speaking the oath was at stake... plus...  to break that promise would violate the Lord's name and would bring condemnation.  Thus Jesus said, using heaven, the earth, or Jerusalem, to secure one's oath would be wrong because they belong to God and not man. It would be wrong to swear falsely using something that belongs only to God. 

Likewise, it would be wrong to swear by your own head.. You don't control that either!  You can't "make one hair white or black."  Your promise is useless.  Instead, Jesus tells us, ".. let your statement be, 'Yes,yes' or 'No, no' and anything beyond these is of evil."  In other words, just speak the truth.  Be a person with integrity.  Say what you mean.. and mean what you say. 

Verses 38-48 focuses once again on relationships.  The Old Testament verse " eye for eye, tooth for tooth.." is found in Exodus 21:24.  The context is a list of circumstances that brought about injury to someone. Each injury would be "repaid" by a judgement of the same injury.  Jesus is teaching that Kingdom citizens will choose to forgive that debt.  Not only will we let the injury go without punishment, but we will extend kindness, compassion, and yes.. love to the one who has caused the harm.  We will be "sons of the Father" by loving and praying for the one who has made himself our enemy. 

This is exactly what the Father has done for us.  He has forgiven us the debt that we owe.. the sins we have committed.. the hurt we have caused.. the promises we have broken.. the hatred we have poured out.. the evil desires we have satisfied.. the lies we have told.  He wants us to do the same. He sent Jesus to save us.. so that we can. 

Father in heaven, Your love is amazing!  Your grace is... beyond our words and our understanding.  Thank You for being the God who loves without end, Who is perfect in every way, Who chooses to give what we could never earn or deserve.  Conform us to Your will, transform us to Your perfect Truth.. and lead us nearer and nearer to Your heart. We ask this in the name of our Beautiful Savior, Jesus Christ.. Amen. 

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