Friday, April 1, 2022

  April 1st.. Halfway through the Psalms.. seems a good time to take an intermission and head to the New Testament as we approach the Easter season.  

Matthew 1-2 gives us the story of the birth of Christ.  The genealogy shows the legal requirement for Jesus to be king of Israel.  He is the heir to the throne by human accounting.. but He is the Heir to the Throne by the plan..the will of God. 

The birth of Jesus to Mary, a virgin girl of humble means, betrothed to Joseph "a righteous man".. reveals to us the grace of our God. "Immanuel" - God with us.. came to live among his people, so that He could "save His people from their sins."  Matthew condenses the story, skipping over the angel's proclamation to the shepherds, and takes us straight to the magi who came to worship the King.  They followed His star, but seemed to lose it long enough to go to Jerusalem and speak to Herod.  When they found out about Bethlehem and headed that direction, the star appeared to them again and they "rejoiced exceedingly with great joy." 

The story is familiar. The magi leave without telling Herod their findings. Herod sends soldiers to kill innocent children.. hoping to stop God's Son. But, Joseph had a dream and off they went to Egypt for a time. Finally, this family returns to Israel and takes up residence in Nazareth. 

Matthew's gospel reminds us again and again that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies. Every detail is meant to assure his readers that this Jesus IS the Messiah that they had been waiting for.  Jesus, fully man and fully God.. came to fulfill the plan that was made.. before the creation of the world.  

It is such a perfect plan, with perfect timing.. that it makes me confident that the rest of His plan will be perfect too.  Christ will return and take us to heaven to be with Him forever. He will come and set up a Kingdom that will have no end.. with a new heaven and a new earth and a new Jerusalem.  He will do all that has been foretold.. it will be at the perfect time.. for it is a perfect plan.. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Father in heaven, we thank You for the story of Jesus.. the old, old story that we never tire of hearing! That Jesus came to be with us.. to save us.. by His birth, His life, His death, and His resurrection.. this is our greatest joy!  Fill us again with the hope and love and joy of Your Spirit as we remember again the wonder of Jesus Christ, Immanuel.. God with us... and as we look forward to the day when we will be with You, face to face!  Amen. 

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