Tuesday, April 12, 2022

 Matthew 5:6  "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."  

Keep in mind that Jesus is teaching about the Kingdom.  He came to bring it near.. by repentance and following Him.. we enter in.. and as He casts out and overcomes the evil one.. He proclaims that the Kingdom is here.  And, finally He reveals that not only have we entered the Kingdom, but that the Kingdom has entered us.. 

We enter the Kingdom with absolute poverty of spirit.  We bring nothing to the party.. we have nothing to even subsist on our own selves, let alone have anything to bring to God. But, God.. gives us the most marvelous gift.. the Kingdom of heaven.  Oh, how we grieve the past.. every sin, every failure, every doubt... and OH how He comforts us with His grace and compassion and turns our mourning into joy! We learn to humble ourselves.. to gentle our hearts and minds.. to bow to Him in gratitude and love... surrendering to His Kingship.   

Then,  He brings us up to His side.. Our eyes begin to be fixed on Him.. on His glory.. His righteousness.  It is then that we become aware of what is still lacking in ourselves.. and He blesses us with a hunger.. not just a dull feeling of emptiness.. but we become famished.. starving.. craving what only He can give.. true righteousness. 

Righteousness, according to the Holman Bible Dictionary is " rooted in covenants and relationships... righteousness is the fulfillment of the terms of a covenant between God and humanity.. "  In the Old Testament this meant that Israel was given commandments to obey in order to maintain a right relationship with God and in turn, He would fulfill His promise to make them His chosen people.  We know that they failed.. terribly and often.  In the New Testament a new covenant was given. "Human righteousness in the New Testament is absolute faith in and commitment to God"   By faith we give ourselves to do the will of God, "The one who in faith gives oneself to the doing of God's will is righteous, doing righteousness and reckoned righteous by God."  It is all because of Jesus. Faith in the "saving activity of God in Jesus Christ."  It goes on to say, "Righteousness is that which God requires of humanity and which God gives as a gift to the person of faith.. faith is the condition for the reception of the gift of righteousness from God." 

Do we hunger and thirst for righteousness?  Are we starving.. toiling to simply have some daily substance?  This promise is for us!   ".. they shall be satisfied"!   Satisfied - supplied with abundance! When we desire righteousness with fervency.. when it becomes a necessity for survival.. when we "seek it first"  He will supply!  This is what kingdom living is all about. 

Father in heaven, bless Your Name. You are holy and so loving and kind.  You create in us a hunger for Yourself and then You satisfy it.  You give us the gift of faith so that You can reckon to our account as righteousness.  What You require of us.. You give to us.  What amazing grace!  How can we thank You enough?  We give You praise and honor and glory, for You are so awesome and wonderful and precious to us.  Let Your Kingdom come.. in all its fulness and wonder.. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord, our King forever. Amen. 

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