Thursday, April 21, 2022

 Matthew 5:17-20  Jesus is teaching about the kingdom of heaven.  He has described the qualities that are found in a child of the kingdom ( poor in spirit, mournful over sin, gentle humility, hunger for righteousness, merciful, pure, a peacemaker).  He has described the purpose of a child of the kingdom - to be salt and light.  These next verses might seem at first glance to be a change of focus.. but they aren't.. 

"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill."  To abolish - to overthrow, demolish, destroy, or disintegrate;  To fulfill - to satisfy, complete, perfect, supply.  The Law was given to Israel for their benefit.  It defines the character and behavior.. the standard of holiness and perfection that God requires.  Jesus is telling us that this standard is not changed.  He didn't come to re-define holiness.  He didn't come to allow for the sinfulness of mankind to remain without consequence or the penalty of judgement.  What He came to do was to satisfy the Law Himself.  To complete the requirements... to perfectly supply what we cannot...  He would "accomplish" this on the cross.. when He cried out "It is finished".. He accomplished perfectly every "jot and tittle".. every letter of the Law. 

Therefore, Jesus tells us, we are not to "annul one of the least of these commandments".  We are not to loosen the standard of holiness that God requires.  We are to have a standard of righteousness that "surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees".  Their "righteousness"  was rigid, outward, arrogant, proud adherence to their own set of standards.  For example, v21-22 "You have heard that the ancients were told, ' You shall not commit murder... but I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court.. "  To satisfy and complete the Law, Jesus is saying, goes far beyond outward behavior.. it has to be a change in the heart.. something that is only accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the redemptive power of the blood of the Lamb. 

The standard of living for Kingdom citizens is the same standard that God gave to Israel through the Law and prophets.. and is the same standard given for the Church, the Bride of Christ.  We were talking about this last night at prayer meeting.  In Acts 5:1-10 we have the account of Ananias and Sapphira. The question was asked.. why were they immediately struck dead.. why does that not happen now when someone in the church sins?  The thought that came to me was that this brand new work of God - the newborn church - was joined together in fellowship - in oneness- a holy precedent for the body of Christ.  Then here comes Ananias and his wife with their lie.. bringing darkness into the light.. bringing unsalty seasoning .. bring leaven.. bringing Satan.  And God acted immediately.  This is what He wants us to know about the church.. about the Kingdom.. it is to be holy as He is holy.. Light without darkness. We need to have that kind of desire for our own church.. and for the Church as a whole today. 

Father in heaven, thank You for the Word of God and for the Spirit of God who teaches us all things. You are Holy and Perfect and we worship You.  You know are weakness and our failures.  You know that we are helpless and You sent to us a Savior and a Helper.. that we might find forgiveness for our sins and be set free to serve You.. to be Your people, Your sons and daughters.. complete in Christ Jesus the Lord. We pray for the Church.. the whole church in the world today.. that You will protect Her from the darkness, from the leaven, from the mud of compromise and unfaithfulness...  of loosely holding to Your standard of holiness.. of letting in the world's standards.  Direct our hearts, Lord into Your Love and into the steadfastness of Jesus we pray. Amen. 

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