Thursday, April 28, 2022

 Matthew 6:9-13  "Our Father in heaven! May your Name be kept holy." (CJB)   Prayer is worship and supplication. Jesus is teaching His disciples to pray in this way.. and the first 3 requests focus on God. "Hallowed be Thy name." is a request that the Name of God would be revered and loved and respected.  We are asking God to uphold the holiness of His own Name.  We are acknowledging the greatness of His Name and the fact that there are those who do not "hallow" His name. 

What would be the opposite of keeping His Name holy?  Disrespect.. blasphemy.. using His Name as a curse?  It would be using His name "in vain"- ( Deut. 5:7).  This is how the world uses His holy Name. They want to fling it out as a curse word or attach no meaning to it.  They do not know Him at all.  

Romans 1:21 states, "For even though they knew God they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened." God has made Himself known in His creation and in His word.. " His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen.. " Romans 1:20 tells us, but mankind foolishly "exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man.. " 

Does this not show us how important this request.. that the Name of God our Father be kept holy.. really is?  Yet, how many of us have prayed and asked this with sincere and earnest hearts?  The lack of reverence for the Name of God ultimately leads to darkened hearts... The commandment in Deuteronomy 5 goes on  to say "for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who take His name in vain."  This is a vitally significant request!

Father in heaven, as we come before You.. to talk to You about what is on our hearts.. we want to ask You to teach us to pray.  Father,  with all of our hearts we ask that Your Name would be revered and honored and kept holy.  May eyes be opened and hearts transformed as men and women and children see the glory of Who You are!  Let all creation sing out Your praise that Your divine nature would be revealed to those who are still walking in darkness.  Let the Light of Your Word ring out across our land and around the world, so that those who have veiled eyes would be healed and able to see You and know You and honor Your holy Name.  This is what we ask of You today, in the Name of the Beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

 Matthew 6:8-9  "Therefore do not be like them;"  Don't be like those who pray to be noticed.  Don't be like those who repeat meaningless words.  Don't pray like those who act like they won't be heard.  "for your Father knows what you need, before you ask Him."   If prayer is communion and worship with God.. if it is bringing our supplications to our Father.. then it has to be a real conversation between two beings.. between God and His child....  It's not for the purpose of being noticed by others.  It's not just meaningless repetition.  It. is. a. conversation.   A holy, purposeful, meaningful, intimate, sacred conversation with our heavenly Father. 

"Pray then in this way.. "  Jesus begins.  This is the pattern, the example.. it is not just more words to be repeated without meaning.  It is a perfect prayer.. but it should never become rote and empty.  

 There are many books about this prayer that are wonderful and much greater than my ramblings here.. but, this is what I have learned and am learning about this model that Jesus gives us:

"Our Father who art in heaven, "   We acknowledge that we are coming to the One True God.. He is our Father  and He is holy.   He sits on the lofty and exalted throne of heaven.. surrounded by radiance and beauty; worshiped by the angels and elders.. He is in the midst of lightning, thunder and majestic glory..  and we are invited into His presence.. to boldly enter the throne room.. to ask for His help in times of need. And we have learned that we are always in need.. and that He knows what we need before we ask Him.. but He invites us in anyway.  He doesn't do this so we can repeat meaningless words.. He does this because He loves us and wants to talk with His child... To have a precious time of conversation with the one He loves... 

I need to stop here for now... I am overwhelmed with the truth that the Holy Spirit is stirring in my heart. 

Father, our holy Father,  draw us nearer.. bring us to the feet of Your throne.  Teach us. Fill us. Move us. Change us, so that when we pray.. we will no longer allow our conversations with You to become rote or hurried or meaningless. Thank You for this precious prayer that Jesus has taught us.  Help us to grasp all that You want to teach us though it now. Thank You. amen. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

 Matthew 6:1-7 Jesus taught that Kingdom citizens need a righteousness that "surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees".  We need to go beyond the standard that they were using to measure themselves.  Yes, their standards were high.. perfect obedience to the Law.. and to their rules.  The problem was.. it was all superficial and no body could do it!  Jesus taught that God's standards are much higher... He requires a perfect heart that looks beyond the Law.  The examples in Matthew 5:21-48 show just how high God's standards are for His Kingdom.  We can't do it unless we go back to the beginning.. repentance first.. then following Jesus .  We need all that He provides.. awareness of our helplessness, mourning our sins.. humbling ourselves.. hungering for righteousness... fully His.. covered by His righteousness alone!

Jesus is continuing to teach the good news of the Kingdom.  He is leading His followers to True Kingdom living.  Here, He teaches, "Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them."

"Practicing your righteousness... "  This is an interesting statement, isn't it?  We don't think of righteousness in this way.. something we do.. we think of it as something that we have ( because of Christ).  But, Jesus is using it as a verb, not a noun here.  He gives three examples. Righteousness is being equitable - just - doing what is right.  Right about giving.. right about praying.. and right about fasting.

"When therefore you give alms.. " (v2)   Giving alms is an act of righteousness. The Greek word is "eleemosune" meaning compassionateness or beneficence - acts of compassion or mercy.  It is something that we are supposed to do.. freely we receive.. freely give.  The problem is HOW we do it.  Jesus said that "hypocrites" played a trumpet and gave their alms for an audience.. "that they may be honored by men."  It was play acting.. for they had no compassion for the poor.  It was all for show. Self-serving.  True righteousness.. that would please the Father.. would be giving "in secret".  Jesus said, ".. do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."  Let only the One who sees in secret, "your Father" be the only one who knows what you are doing.  Don't make it about yourself.. it's about the one in need and the Father who sees. 

"And when you pray.. "  Jesus is saying that prayer is an act of righteousness.  To pray is to come near to God, to bring supplications to Him and to worship Him.  It is communion with our God and Father.  The "hypocrites" loved to "stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners, in order to be seen by men."  Again, it was all about themselves.. and had nothing to do with God. How awful that something so precious and intimate as communion with the Lord was turned into a performance for show!  Jesus taught that "when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will repay you."  Prayer is to be a personal, private act of communion with God. ( But this does not exclude praying together with other believers!) It needs to be real.. not a show.  It also was not to be "meaningless repetition".  Prayer is not chanting words.. it not one-sided.  It is far greater than any of that! It is so important that Jesus stops to give us an example.. ( which I will look at tomorrow!)

Father in heaven, teach us to pray.  Fill us with Your Spirit of Truth and draw us into this intimate communion.. in the secret places where we meet with You. Thank You for the Word of Life that teaches us the way of Living that is real and vital. May we not "do righteousness" for show, but be genuine in our every action, with hearts of love and surrender.  In the Name of Jesus we ask this. amen. 

Monday, April 25, 2022

 Matthew 5:33-48   Jesus wants us to understand the difference between what the people thought the Law said and what God really intended.  They wanted it to be a set of rules that they could work around.  He meant it to be Truth that would fill their hearts and transform their lives.  He wanted them to be His People - like Him in holiness and perfection.. complete.  

Verses 33-37 This section is about making vows or oaths.  A vow, according to the Bible Dictionary,  is an expression of devotion, a promise to God.  It could be conditional or not...  If God does such and such... then I will do.. That is a conditional vow. A Nazarite vow was unconditional.  The verse quoted here comes from Leviticus and emphasized that a false vow was worse than no vow at all. This is the point Jesus is making.  To make a vow or swear an oath.. using the name of God would be a binding promise.  The integrity of the person speaking the oath was at stake... plus...  to break that promise would violate the Lord's name and would bring condemnation.  Thus Jesus said, using heaven, the earth, or Jerusalem, to secure one's oath would be wrong because they belong to God and not man. It would be wrong to swear falsely using something that belongs only to God. 

Likewise, it would be wrong to swear by your own head.. You don't control that either!  You can't "make one hair white or black."  Your promise is useless.  Instead, Jesus tells us, ".. let your statement be, 'Yes,yes' or 'No, no' and anything beyond these is of evil."  In other words, just speak the truth.  Be a person with integrity.  Say what you mean.. and mean what you say. 

Verses 38-48 focuses once again on relationships.  The Old Testament verse " eye for eye, tooth for tooth.." is found in Exodus 21:24.  The context is a list of circumstances that brought about injury to someone. Each injury would be "repaid" by a judgement of the same injury.  Jesus is teaching that Kingdom citizens will choose to forgive that debt.  Not only will we let the injury go without punishment, but we will extend kindness, compassion, and yes.. love to the one who has caused the harm.  We will be "sons of the Father" by loving and praying for the one who has made himself our enemy. 

This is exactly what the Father has done for us.  He has forgiven us the debt that we owe.. the sins we have committed.. the hurt we have caused.. the promises we have broken.. the hatred we have poured out.. the evil desires we have satisfied.. the lies we have told.  He wants us to do the same. He sent Jesus to save us.. so that we can. 

Father in heaven, Your love is amazing!  Your grace is... beyond our words and our understanding.  Thank You for being the God who loves without end, Who is perfect in every way, Who chooses to give what we could never earn or deserve.  Conform us to Your will, transform us to Your perfect Truth.. and lead us nearer and nearer to Your heart. We ask this in the name of our Beautiful Savior, Jesus Christ.. Amen. 

Friday, April 22, 2022

 Matthew 5: 21-32  Jesus said that He came to "fulfill"  the Law, not abolish it.  The Law was given to reveal God's standards for His people, that they might be "perfect" as their "heavenly Father is perfect." Perfect here is the Greek word "teleios" meaning complete.  It is God's prescription for holiness.  Jesus never annulled the requirements of the Law.. He opened up the true meaning, the underlying purpose for it.  We will look closer at the first two of these... 

v21-26  The Law says, "You shall not commit murder."  Jesus explained that this commandment goes beyond the idea of the act of murder.. it addresses the attitude of the heart towards others.  Anger, ridicule, oppression, derision, unforgiveness, even debt... all these things ( and more) that separate and divide brothers against brothers.. these are the same as murder in the eyes of God.  If we want to be "perfect" - pure and holy and complete - being salt and light - then we need to confess and repent of that sin in our hearts, not just avoid the act of murder.  Jesus said over and over again.. "Love one another".  That is the standard that God holds us to.. a much higher standard than the way the Law was being used by Israel. 

v27-32 The Law says, "You will not commit adultery".  Again, Jesus addresses the attitude of the heart- lust is a sin in the heart - so much so that Jesus says it would be better to get rid of your eyes or cut off your hand so that you won't sin and be sent to hell.  Divorce was also a sin problem, Jesus taught, because the attitude of the heart was hateful towards the wife that was sent away.  She would have no recourse, no future, and no hope.. This is not according to God's desire for His people.. for He designed marriage to be a oneness that would not be broken.  The exception here "for the cause of unchasity" makes sense in this context, because the oneness had already been broken. 

Father in heaven, Your love for us is evident in Your Law, for You want was is best for us.. so that we can be complete... "perfect" as You are perfect.  We again come before You and confess that we are poor in spirit.. hungering for Your righteousness, trusting in the cleansing blood poured out for us by Christ Jesus, so that we might be whole.  Oh how we thank You for the cross.. for the One who became the propitiation for our sins.  Come and sanctify us through and through, Spirit of God, that we might shine with the Light of Jesus in a world filled with darkness. Be exalted O God! Amen. 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

 Matthew 5:17-20  Jesus is teaching about the kingdom of heaven.  He has described the qualities that are found in a child of the kingdom ( poor in spirit, mournful over sin, gentle humility, hunger for righteousness, merciful, pure, a peacemaker).  He has described the purpose of a child of the kingdom - to be salt and light.  These next verses might seem at first glance to be a change of focus.. but they aren't.. 

"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill."  To abolish - to overthrow, demolish, destroy, or disintegrate;  To fulfill - to satisfy, complete, perfect, supply.  The Law was given to Israel for their benefit.  It defines the character and behavior.. the standard of holiness and perfection that God requires.  Jesus is telling us that this standard is not changed.  He didn't come to re-define holiness.  He didn't come to allow for the sinfulness of mankind to remain without consequence or the penalty of judgement.  What He came to do was to satisfy the Law Himself.  To complete the requirements... to perfectly supply what we cannot...  He would "accomplish" this on the cross.. when He cried out "It is finished".. He accomplished perfectly every "jot and tittle".. every letter of the Law. 

Therefore, Jesus tells us, we are not to "annul one of the least of these commandments".  We are not to loosen the standard of holiness that God requires.  We are to have a standard of righteousness that "surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees".  Their "righteousness"  was rigid, outward, arrogant, proud adherence to their own set of standards.  For example, v21-22 "You have heard that the ancients were told, ' You shall not commit murder... but I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court.. "  To satisfy and complete the Law, Jesus is saying, goes far beyond outward behavior.. it has to be a change in the heart.. something that is only accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the redemptive power of the blood of the Lamb. 

The standard of living for Kingdom citizens is the same standard that God gave to Israel through the Law and prophets.. and is the same standard given for the Church, the Bride of Christ.  We were talking about this last night at prayer meeting.  In Acts 5:1-10 we have the account of Ananias and Sapphira. The question was asked.. why were they immediately struck dead.. why does that not happen now when someone in the church sins?  The thought that came to me was that this brand new work of God - the newborn church - was joined together in fellowship - in oneness- a holy precedent for the body of Christ.  Then here comes Ananias and his wife with their lie.. bringing darkness into the light.. bringing unsalty seasoning .. bring leaven.. bringing Satan.  And God acted immediately.  This is what He wants us to know about the church.. about the Kingdom.. it is to be holy as He is holy.. Light without darkness. We need to have that kind of desire for our own church.. and for the Church as a whole today. 

Father in heaven, thank You for the Word of God and for the Spirit of God who teaches us all things. You are Holy and Perfect and we worship You.  You know are weakness and our failures.  You know that we are helpless and You sent to us a Savior and a Helper.. that we might find forgiveness for our sins and be set free to serve You.. to be Your people, Your sons and daughters.. complete in Christ Jesus the Lord. We pray for the Church.. the whole church in the world today.. that You will protect Her from the darkness, from the leaven, from the mud of compromise and unfaithfulness...  of loosely holding to Your standard of holiness.. of letting in the world's standards.  Direct our hearts, Lord into Your Love and into the steadfastness of Jesus we pray. Amen. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

 Matthew 5:14-16  " You are the light of the world."  Kingdom citizens are "phos" - to shine; to manifest; rays of luminousness..  

As rays of light, Jesus teaches, we "cannot be hidden".. and we should not try to hide ourselves.  Instead we need to shine.. to "give light to all who are in the house."  We are to shine "before men is such a way that they may see [our] good works, and glorify [our] Father who is in heaven," 

Jesus said, "I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." ( John 8:12)  In John 9:5 He said, "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." Later, He said, "For a little while longer the light is among you. Walk while you have the light, that darkness may not overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he goes. While you have the light, believe in the light, in order that you may become sons of light." ( John 12:35-36) And in verse 46 He added, "I have come as light into the world that everyone who believes in Me may not remain in darkness." 

Light.. created by God on that first day.. "Let there be light" He spoke, "and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness."  The Hebrew word for separated means to divide or distinguish, to differ, or select.   Jesus tells us that His disciples are to be separated from darkness.. that there is a distinction between believers and unbelievers that is as different as light is from darkness.. as day is from night. 

In John 3:19-21 Jesus said, "And this is judgement, that the light is come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who practices truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God." 

John continues this theme in his letters.. "And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; but if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sins." ( I John 1:5-7)

So, to be light.. we must be separate, distinguished from darkness. We must be walking in and practicing truth. We must do the works of God for His glory. We must not hide that light that is in us.. Jesus, the Light of the world. 

Father in heaven, You are Light and in You there is no darkness!  Hallelujah! We believe in Jesus Christ, the Light of the world and we walk in that truth, to honor and glorify You.  Let Your Light shine in us and through us, Lord God. May we never hide the Light that You have lit in our hearts, putting away every evil practice, confessing every sin, and finding life in the Light of Jesus Christ our Savior.  Come Spirit of God and shine in our hearts today, for the glory of the Father and of the Son. Amen. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

 Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth;" 

 The beatitudes have revealed the vital qualities that will be found in a believer's life.. qualities that distinguish a kingdom citizen from the world.  These qualities would stand in sharp contrast to the character of the Pharisees and Sadducees of Israel. One could not fake these qualities.. True repentance and absolute surrender to God.. faith in the power and promises of God.. righteousness granted through the gift of God, through Jesus Christ.. this is the only way to receive the Kingdom of God. 

Jesus used the illustrations of salt and light to teach His disciples the distinction between true believers and unbelievers. ".. if the salt has become tasteless, how will it be made salty again? It is good for nothing anymore, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot."   The Bible Knowledge Commentary states this, ".. the important quality to note is that salt ought to maintain its basic character. If it fails to be salty, it has lost its purpose for existence and should be discarded." 

Mark 9:50 says it this way, "Salt is good; but if the salt becomes unsalted, with what will you make it salt again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another." The BK Commentary adds this thought: "Here 'salt' depicts what distinguishes a disciple from a non-disciple. A disciple is to maintain his allegiance to Jesus at all costs and to purge out destructive influences." 

In Luke the teaching about salt is found in the context of true discipleship.. "so therefore, no one of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions. Therefore, salt is  good; but.. " The  BK Commentary states.. "They ( disciples) must contain the characteristics of discipleship - planning and willing sacrifice - or they are of no value at all. " 

One more reference about salt .. Colossians 4:6 "Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned, as it were with salt, so that you may know how you should respond to each person."

So, back to Matthew 5:13.. "You are the salt of the earth.. " The disciple of Jesus Christ, who has the qualities and character of a Kingdom citizen.. who continues to remain "salty" -  is aware of his helplessness, mournful over his sin, humble and gentle, continually seeking the righteousness of Christ, merciful, pure, and a peace-maker... persecuted, but rejoicing..  We hear the call of Jesus to follow Him.. to lay down our lives and take up our crosses.. and live in faith.  As Paul wrote, "I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and delivered Himself up for me." ( Gal. 2:20) This is being the "salt of the earth". 

Father in heaven, Creator of heaven and earth and everything that is in it.. You are the maker of salt.  You have chosen the qualities that You desire in Your Kingdom and You have made the way for us to enter in, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Father, help us to never lose our heavenly flavor.. but to live fully surrendered to You, by faith in Jesus.. that we might season our world with Your grace.  Lord, we are needy people.. helpless to retain the godly qualities on our own.. come Holy Spirit and fill us again and again and again.. every minute of every day.. so that the Light of Jesus will shine forth from us. We ask this in Your Name, Jesus, amen. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

 Matthew 5:10-12  It has taken Jesus one sentence to list each of the character traits of a kingdom citizen.. until now.  This last one takes a bit more. "Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."  It is the same promise as the first- " blessed are the poor in spirit".. there is a relationship there. To me, it emphasizes the whole purpose of our lives.. it is all about the Kingdom!

Jesus goes on to say, "Blessed are you even men cast insults at you, and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, on account of Me." 

Persecuted for righteousness sake - persecuted because of Christ.  There is a profound truth here.  Jesus goes on to say, "Rejoice, and be glad for your reward in heaven is great, for so they persecuted the prophets before you."  

Persecution in the Bible takes many forms. The Greek word (dioko) means "to flee, to pursue, press forward."  The Hebrew word (radaph) is similar - "to run after, chase, put to flight, follow, hunt." There is hostility... a bent to cause suffering in one who is a persecutor.  Persecution may be verbal - insults thrown at you.. or it can be physical.. even to death.  Hebrews 11:36-38 gives a clear picture ".. and others experienced mocking and scourging, yes, also chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were put to death with the sword; they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated ( men of whom the whole world was not worthy) wandering in deserts and mountains and caves and holes in the ground."  All because of their faith.. faith in God's promises.. faith in Jesus Christ. 

Jesus made it clear to His disciples that they would be persecuted, just like He would.  Peter and James both wrote about the suffering of persecution.. teaching that we should rejoice in these trials "knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.."( James 1:3) and that "the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." (  I Peter 1:6-7)  Paul wrote "Bless those who persecute you; bless and curse not." ( Romans 12:14) Which takes us right back to being merciful.. (Matthew 5:7) In this we can be assured that there is a holy purpose that God desires and allows.. that is accomplished by persecution. 

So, what can we glean from this? Our hunger for righteousness, once satisfied by faith in Jesus Christ.. will bring an outside pressure .. persecution.. upon us. Not all of us will face a sword or prison or even insults.. but we all know the pressure applied by the world around us.. to conform to its ways.  And the more we resist.. the more we are "transformed by the renewing of [our] minds"  and do what is acceptable in God's sight instead of in man's.. the more pressure we will know. 

Father in heaven, we desire to live for You.. to continue to walk in Your ways and do Your good will.  Help us to not only resist the pressures of the world.. but to rejoice for we have Your promise of the kingdom of heaven.  Set our eyes on the things unseen.. the things above.  Keep us steadfast in Christ and fill us with Your love for even those who persecute us because of Jesus.  We surrender all to You and give You praise and glory and honor. Amen. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God."  Here is an awesome revelation about those who enter into the Kingdom of heaven.. those who have yielded fully to the King, recognizing their own helplessness, mourning their own sinfulness, humbling their own attitudes before Him, feeding on His righteousness through faith and obedience, growing through His merciful love and finding it in their own hearts to show mercy, emptying their hearts of all be pure and holy as He is holy... these are the ones who are given the title, "sons of God".  These are the ones who are given the ministry of peacemaking. 

To be a "peacemaker"  is to bring harmony.. to bring together.. to "make or to do" peace.  It is not "shalom" - the peace that God gives.. it is "eirene"-  to join, one, quietness and rest.. to set as one again. Paul wrote to the Corinthians that we have become "ambassadors for Christ".. given "a ministry of reconciliation".  Because God "reconciled us to Himself through Christ.. He has given to us the word of reconciliation."  This is why Christ came.. "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."  This is the character of the Son of God.. and the character of the "sons of God". 

Matthew 5:44-45 says that "in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven".. we are to "love [our] enemies and pray for those who persecute [us]".  Luke recorded this teaching also, "But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men."   Our Father, "causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." He is calling us to be "perfect"... just as He is.  A child who follows his Father in every way. 

We know.. that we cannot do anything like this out of our own determination. This ministry of reconciliation.. this peacemaking.. bringing together  the lost, the rebellious, the unbelieving, the "ungrateful and evil".. is not something that human beings are able to accomplish by the human will  But "sons of God" who are "being led by the Spirit of God"; those who have received "a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out,  'Abba! Father!'"...we have been given "the Spirit of Christ"(Romans 8) to do the work of Christ.. the ministry of peacemaking.. of reconciliation. 

Father in heaven, we pray for Your Kingdom to come and Your will to be done.  O how wonderful and perfect it is!  We long for the fulness of Your Kingdom.. where all will be reconciled.. at peace with You and with one another. The place where mercy flows, where purity is complete, where gentleness is inherent, where righteousness is abundant.. and we are all at rest in You.  We ask that You will supply all that is needed so that we can do what we  are helpless to do.. to forgive and love and do good to our enemies.. to bring them to You.   May we be like Jesus in our hearts.. one with You even as He prayed that we would be.  Abba Father.. fill us with Your Spirit and lead us in paths of righteousness that You will receive all glory and honor and praise.  amen. 

Thursday, April 14, 2022

 Matthew 5:8  "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."   The heart - the middle- the center of who we are... thoughts and feelings are processed by our hearts.  It is the core of our being.  Jesus taught that the condition of the heart determines what proceeds from our mouths. "But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders." ( Matthew 15:18-19)  It is what we "treasure" in our hearts that determines our future in heaven. (6:21)  It is with the heart that we receive the Word or refuse it. (Matt. 13:19) 

We can have a dull or hard, unbelieving heart. Or we can have a willing heart.. to love the Lord our God with all our hearts.  We can be like Jesus who said" I am gentle and humble in heart." (11:29) Or we can remain foolish with darkened hearts. 

Here, Jesus tells us, it is the "pure of heart"  who will "see God".  The psalmist wrote "Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood, and has not sworn deceitfully." ( Psalm 24:3-4)  

A pure heart is one that has been cleansed. It is undefiled and uncontaminated. It is set apart, holy unto the Lord.  I know many people who dread reading the book of Leviticus.. full of laws and rules.. what is clean and unclean.. things that don't seem relevant to us who have a new covenant and have been freed from the old.  But, it is such an important book!  Over and over the Lord spoke to Israel about Who He is.. "I am the Lord Your God.. I the Lord am holy."  Because He is holy, He desires that His people be holy.  More than desires it.. He commands it! "You shall consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy, for I am the Lord your God." (Lev. 20:7)  His covenant was Israel required that they be holy, uncontaminated, pure.. separate, consecrated to Him alone.  This is what would make them His people. "Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the Lord am holy; and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine." ( (20:26)

And this is what Jesus says about those who are in His Kingdom.. they are "pure of heart".  They are uncontaminated, cleansed, set apart.. pure.. and the promise is that "they shall see God."  The Bible Study commentary says it this way.. "The more pure a person is, the more clear his sight of God becomes." 

All of the truths of these beatitudes...are bringing us into this place of God's holy presence..
We recognize our poverty and helplessness to be His.. we are beggars, to whom He gives the Kingdom.
We mourn our sinfulness and the world of sin that surrounds us.. and we receive comfort and joy. 
We become humble and gentle.. surrendered to His will.. and we inherit the earth. 
We hunger for Him, His righteousness that we cannot achieve except by faith in Jesus and He satisfies us with abundance. 
We receive the generous, powerful kindness of His forgiveness and we exhibit mercy to others in kind, finding ourselves able to forgive as we have been forgiven. 
We seek and find cleansing of our hearts through the power of His Spirit.. and He opens our eyes to see Himself more clearly!

Father in heaven, You are God and You are holy. We choose to yield to Your perfect and holy will, that by Your cleansing we become pure of heart.  It is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ that we are made pure.. there is no other way.  Wash me and I will be whiter than snow! This is Your gracious gift of compassion and mercy to all who will "consent and obey" ( Isaiah 1:16-19)  O thank You, Lord! Help us to truly be filled with the truth of Your Word.. the Word of Life. In the Name of Jesus we come... laying down all of our hearts to You. amen. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

 Matthew 5:7 "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."   We enter the kingdom.. in absolute poverty.. and receive everything from the loving hand of our King.  Everything.  This compassion.. this mercy.. is given freely from the One whose mercies fail not!   

When we come to Jesus, acknowledging our absolute poverty of spirit, when we have mourned our sins, when we have humbly surrendered everything to Him, and when we have had our great hunger for Him.. for His righteousness.. satisfied... then we recognize this great mercy that He has poured out upon us in love and patience.  Then.... we begin to learn how vital mercy is and how much it means to Him that we show mercy to others.  This is His will for us.. 

The Bible has so much to say about being merciful.  Mercy is something that God counts so important that He measures it!  " Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." Jesus taught, "Give and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, they will pour into your lap. For by the standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." (Luke 6:36,38)   James wrote, "So speak and so act, as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty. For judgement will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgement." ( James 2:12-13)

Mercy is tied to judgement and forgiveness in the scriptures. Jesus told a parable about that in Matthew 18.  Peter had asked about how many times they should forgive someone.  Jesus told him "seventy times seven"..  over and over and over again.  "For this reason the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a certain king... "  We know the story. The king wanted to settle a debt from one of his servants who owed him a vast amount of money.  The servant couldn't pay and begged for forgiveness and it was granted to him.  However, he then went to someone who owed him a little bit of money and demanded repayment. When that fellow couldn't pay and begged for some time to repay the debt.. the man refused to wait and threw him in prison.  The king found out and said, "Should you not also have had mercy on your fellow slave, even as I had mercy on you?"   Jesus concluded this parable with these words, "So shall My heavenly Father also do to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart." 

The old Testament book of Hosea also shows us  much about God's mercy. It is Who God is.. a God of mercy and compassion.. a God who forgives.. and redeems and restores those who will come to Him.  He said to sinful, rebellious Israel.. ".. I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in lovingkindness and in compassion, And I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness.Then you will know the Lord." ( Hosea 2:19-20) "I will also have compassion on her who had not obtained compassion, and will say to those people, You are my people! And they will say, 'Thou are my God!'" ( v23).  In 12:6 God speaks to His people saying, "Therefore return to your God, observe kindness ( mercy) and justice, and wait for your God continually."  Likewise, Micah wrote, "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness (mercy), and to walk humbly with your God?" (6:8)

We cannot live unmerciful, unkind, unforgiving lives and be Kingdom people. It is sometimes a very difficult struggle for us. But, we already know that we are poor and helpless.. and we mourn our sin of unkindness and failure to have mercy. We hunger for His righteousness.. and are satisfied by His merciful gift of forgiveness.  He will abundantly provide mercy so that we will become like Him.. merciful.. for He will give to us His Spirit. 

Max Lucado says this about the fruit of kindness.. "I choose kindness. I will be kind to the poor, for they are alone. Kind to the rich, for they are afraid. And kind to the unkind, for such is how God has treated me." 

Father in heaven, Your lovingkindness is greater than life.  Your mercy is a sea. You are amazing God! How thankful we are to have such a God as You.  My heart is full of praise and worship, of grateful and humble awe as I think of these truths.  Please forgive me for withholding mercy and forgiveness to any who have sinned against me.  Fill my heart with what is good.. that I might be just and merciful in all my ways. I am in Your hands, Lord God, may Your will be done in me.. on earth.. as it is in heaven.  Amen. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

 Matthew 5:6  "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."  

Keep in mind that Jesus is teaching about the Kingdom.  He came to bring it near.. by repentance and following Him.. we enter in.. and as He casts out and overcomes the evil one.. He proclaims that the Kingdom is here.  And, finally He reveals that not only have we entered the Kingdom, but that the Kingdom has entered us.. 

We enter the Kingdom with absolute poverty of spirit.  We bring nothing to the party.. we have nothing to even subsist on our own selves, let alone have anything to bring to God. But, God.. gives us the most marvelous gift.. the Kingdom of heaven.  Oh, how we grieve the past.. every sin, every failure, every doubt... and OH how He comforts us with His grace and compassion and turns our mourning into joy! We learn to humble ourselves.. to gentle our hearts and minds.. to bow to Him in gratitude and love... surrendering to His Kingship.   

Then,  He brings us up to His side.. Our eyes begin to be fixed on Him.. on His glory.. His righteousness.  It is then that we become aware of what is still lacking in ourselves.. and He blesses us with a hunger.. not just a dull feeling of emptiness.. but we become famished.. starving.. craving what only He can give.. true righteousness. 

Righteousness, according to the Holman Bible Dictionary is " rooted in covenants and relationships... righteousness is the fulfillment of the terms of a covenant between God and humanity.. "  In the Old Testament this meant that Israel was given commandments to obey in order to maintain a right relationship with God and in turn, He would fulfill His promise to make them His chosen people.  We know that they failed.. terribly and often.  In the New Testament a new covenant was given. "Human righteousness in the New Testament is absolute faith in and commitment to God"   By faith we give ourselves to do the will of God, "The one who in faith gives oneself to the doing of God's will is righteous, doing righteousness and reckoned righteous by God."  It is all because of Jesus. Faith in the "saving activity of God in Jesus Christ."  It goes on to say, "Righteousness is that which God requires of humanity and which God gives as a gift to the person of faith.. faith is the condition for the reception of the gift of righteousness from God." 

Do we hunger and thirst for righteousness?  Are we starving.. toiling to simply have some daily substance?  This promise is for us!   ".. they shall be satisfied"!   Satisfied - supplied with abundance! When we desire righteousness with fervency.. when it becomes a necessity for survival.. when we "seek it first"  He will supply!  This is what kingdom living is all about. 

Father in heaven, bless Your Name. You are holy and so loving and kind.  You create in us a hunger for Yourself and then You satisfy it.  You give us the gift of faith so that You can reckon to our account as righteousness.  What You require of us.. You give to us.  What amazing grace!  How can we thank You enough?  We give You praise and honor and glory, for You are so awesome and wonderful and precious to us.  Let Your Kingdom come.. in all its fulness and wonder.. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord, our King forever. Amen. 

Monday, April 11, 2022

 Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the gentle ( humble/meek) for they shall inherit the earth."   These qualities or characteristics..  Jesus taught.. will be evident in the life of citizens of His Kingdom.  His life exemplified perfectly Kingdom character.  He came to bring it near.. to bring the Kingdom into our lives.. we can only live as a child of the Kingdom when we have the King ruling in us. 

Jesus said that " unless you are converted and become like children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven." ( Matthew 18:3)  In fact, He adds, "Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (v4) .  In 19:14 He said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." 

There is nothing more precious to us than little babies.. how we love to hold them and kiss those soft cheeks and whisper sweet words.. But, babies are needy beings!  Think about that in this context.  A baby is definitely "poor" in terms of its needs.  It cannot care for itself. It cannot feed or clothe or get out of a messy diaper without help.  He becomes a beggar.. crying out for the help that he needs.  Sometimes a child will suffer from pain of some sort.. physical or otherwise.. and we immediately seek to comfort him or her.  A young child is also humble.. (until he or she gains an attitude of self-importance and seeks its own way.). He is humble in the sense that he is utterly dependent on another to meet his greatest needs.  He does not look down on others.. he's at the mercy of their kindness to him. 

This is the attitude that we are called to receive. Jesus says we are to "humble ourselves".  It's an action that we take. We realize our spiritual poverty and beg for help. We mourn our sins and the sins of others and receive His comfort. We humble ourselves before Him, acknowledging our total dependence.. our weakness.. our willingness to obey Him in all circumstances.. to become a servant of the Lord.  We put aside any and all pride. It has no place in the life of the Kingdom child. 

Jesus is our perfect example. Philippians 2 comes to mind again.. "He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross."   He emptied Himself.. and became obedient.  This is what a child of God does.  We empty ourselves.. empty out our self-righteousness.. our self-centeredness.. our selfishness.. our pride in whatever form it exists in our selves... and we become obedient to our God, Who is our King.  As we fully depend on Him for everything we need.. we will know Him to be a Good, Good Father. 

The promise is amazing.. "for they shall inherit the earth."  The earth - the land - the nations.  This is what the kingdom is all about.. giving our all to Christ so that He can reign over all the earth.. and He wants to bring us right there with Him.  Hallelujah! What a Savior!

This quality of gentleness, meekness, or humility is a fruit of the Spirit. ( Galatians 5:22)   Max Lucado wrote this.. " I choose gentleness.  Nothing is won by force. I choose to be gentle. If I raise my voice may it be only in praise. If I clench my fist, may it be only in prayer.  If I make a demand, may it be only of myself." 

Father, I choose Your will.  Let the fruit of Your Spirit be evident in my life as I humble myself before You, in utter and desperate need.  I empty myself of all that is "self" and surrender all to Jesus. Rule in my life, fill me with Your Spirit.. that I might become like a child.. Your child.. of Your Kingdom.. forever and ever. Amen. 

Friday, April 8, 2022

 Matthew 5:4 -  "Blessed are those who mourn.." To mourn - to grieve; to have sorrow..   How is this a characteristic of the Kingdom?  The poor in spirit have acknowledged their poverty and helplessness and have been promised the kingdom of heaven... and when this truth truly fills the heart.. there is great sorrow for their sins and for the sins of others.  

The promise of Matthew 5:4 is the coming of comfort.  Isaiah wrote this about the Messiah... "The Lord has anointed Me to bring good news to the afflicted; He sent me to bind up the brokenhearted.. "  Jesus told His disciples "Truly, truly, I say to you, that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned to joy."  ( John 16:20)  There is a day coming when "God shall wipe every tear from their eyes." ( Rev. 7:17)

Jesus was called a "man of sorrow".. but He came to bring us the "fulness of joy"!  Mourning will be turned into dancing!  Grief lasts for the night, the Word tells us, but joy will come in the morning.  If a  person  says he has come to Christ but is  without sorrow for his sins..has he really entered the Kingdom?  Has the Kingdom really come to live in him?  More so... if we have no sorrow for our sins is there any need for comfort?

This step in the progress of kingdom life is vital. This is God's plan and we need to meditate on the Truth that Jesus gives to us here in His teaching of the "good news of the kingdom".

When Jesus approached Jerusalem on the day of His triumphal entrance before the crucifixion .. "He saw the city and wept over it." ( Luke 19:41)  In the Garden.. He was "grieved and distressed".  He wept at the tomb of Lazarus. ( John 11:35)  He knew sorrow first hand and He knows our sorrows intimately.  Paul wrote.. " ... I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord..  that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings... "  (Philippians 3:7-10 )  Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus, "who for the joy set before Him endured the cross.. " Likewise.. we fix our eyes on what is ahead.. the joy that He sets before us!  Yes, we mourn.. but we will be comforted.  It is a promise to all who come into His Kingdom!  Hallelujah! 

Father in heaven, give us ears to hear and hearts to receive the truth of Your Word. Examine our hearts and bring comfort as we acknowledge and confess our sin.. as we mourn our own sins and as we grieve for the sin of this world.  Let the joy of the gospel of Christ fill us and fill this land, we pray.  In the name of Jesus we ask this. Amen. 

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Matthew 5: 1-3  Jesus went about "proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom".  The Beatitudes.. as we call this text.. are the key truths that Jesus taught about kingdom living.  The word "beatitude" is actually a Latin word meaning "blessed" or "happy".   The Key-Word Study Bible says that the word used here, "blessed" means to be "characterized by the quality of God 'blessedness'".  The author says, "When one is indwell by God, and God's nature is in him, he has the kingdom of God within him." 

We go from the message given by John the Baptist and Jesus telling the the "kingdom of heaven is at hand".. to the words of Jesus in Luke 17:21 " for behold the kingdom of God is in your midst ( within you)".  As the commentary says, "Blessedness is that basic condition created by Christ's indwelling in man's heart which brings a fundamental satisfaction in the life of a believer."  This is a "progressive" movement in the life of a believer that must start with the first beatitude.. "blessed are the poor in spirit". 

Poor - "ptochos" -  a beggar.  One with nothing.. helpless.. living off the alms that he begs for.. not able to even help himself.  Jesus tells us that the "kingdom of heaven" belongs to those who are spiritual beggars. They are indeed, blessed!   How can that be?  Because, when we recognize that we are spiritually helpless to save ourselves, we turn to the One who alone can save us.. Jesus Christ.  He gives us life.  He satisfies our greatest need.  He comes into our lives and dwells within us and the kingdom is "in our midst."  Hallelujah!

We cannot come to the kingdom in any other way, except that we acknowledge our poverty.  Many cannot do that.  They think that they can work hard enough.. be righteous enough.. do enough good things.. or have the right kind of character or family connections to enter God's kingdom. Pride keeps people from begging.. even when they are desperately in need.  Over and over.. Old Testament and New.. God condemns pride and exalts humility.  Our world is in desperate need of this Truth.  Isn't it telling that the word "Pride" as used in the world today blatantly symbolizes a lifestyle that is totally abhorrent to the character of Christ?

Father in heaven, with humble, sorrowful hearts we bow before You.. Sovereign King, Creator of heaven and earth, Almighty God.. and we ask that Your Kingdom will come.  Come to this world that is lost and helpless and full of prideful sin.  Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Hallelujah !  We are beggars, pleading for other beggars who think they don't need You, Lord.  They are helpless unless You pour out Your mercy and grace once again.. for a world of lost sinners, Jesus, You were slain.  Open their eyes Lord.  Give us boldness to bear witness of  Your wonderful love,  Your power to redeem, Your abiding presence and power that indwells us.  We ask this in the Name that is above all names, Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

 Matthew 4: 12-25  After the wilderness experience, Jesus went back to Galilee.  He settled down for a season in Capernaum.  From there he would travel all over Israel "proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom". ( v23)  The prophet Isaiah had announced the "great light".. Who would come from Galilee.  Here, Matthew tells us, the prophecy was fulfilled.  Jesus came to bring Light "to those who were sitting in darkness.. in the land and shadow of death."  

What is the "gospel of the kingdom" that Jesus preached?  We think of the gospel as the story of Jesus.. His birth, His death, and His resurrection.. and it is!  There is no greater gospel.. Good News!  It is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  But, Matthew writes, "Jesus was going about in all Galilee teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the gospel.. (the good news).. of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people."

Verse 17 tells us that the first thing Jesus preached was, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." The nearness of the Kingdom is "good news"!   It is a Light in the darkness.  It is available. The door is opened and the King has come to welcome us in. There is a requirement though.. to come in.. one must repent.. it is the same message that John had started with.. a change of mind.. an acknowledgement of sin and a choice to turn away from it. The Kingdom of heaven is a place where sin cannot stay.  Sin must be left behind. 

The second thing we learn about the Kingdom is that when the invitation comes, not only is there a requirement that one repent.. confess and turn away from sin.. but a willingness to leave everything to follow Jesus.  Verses 18-22 tell us that Jesus called Peter and Andrew, John and James.. as they were at work. "and they immediately left the nets and followed Him."  The Kingdom of heaven is worth leaving everything else.. even the good things.. behind.

The third thing we learn about the Kingdom is that there is a power available that is beyond human ability or experience.  Jesus healed "every kind of disease.. "  The news traveled as far as Syria.. and people came from everywhere.. "and they brought to Him all who were ill, taken with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He healed them." The Kingdom of heaven is a place of wholeness.. of mercy and compassion.. and peace. 

Later on, when the Pharisees tried to accuse Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Satan, Jesus rebuked them severely.  In Matthew 12:28 He said, "But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. "   Everything that Jesus did while He walked the earth was "kingdom" work.  As King of kings, Jesus reigns wherever He is..  for where He is.. IS His Kingdom. When He opens the door and welcomes us in.. and we enter with repentance and follow Him.. when we believe that He is our King and that He has conquered Satan, conquered death, conquered sin, and that He has brought us into His Kingdom.. oh that is GOOD NEWS!

Father in heaven, we are so thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Thankful for the Kingdom that is ours through Jesus!  Teach us anew the great truths of the gospel.. that we might not grow weary or cold or take it for granted.. but that we would rejoice with unspeakable joy as Your Light floods our hearts and lives once again.  We are such needy people Lord.  We become bogged down with the things of this world, thinking that these are the things that matter.. when all that really matters is that Your Kingdom has come and that there is a day.. just ahead.. when we will see it in all its fulness! Open our eyes Lord, we want to see Jesus.. our King forever. Amen!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

 Matthew 4 After Jesus was baptized.. by John in the water.. and by the Holy Spirit from above... He "was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil."   Jesus fasted 40 days and forty nights, we are told.  Then... He became hungry.  This time in the desert was not a spontaneous event... it was part of God's plan and it had a powerful purpose. 

From the first man and woman, mankind  has failed to resist the temptations that Satan throws at us.  Eve took the fruit.. Adam ate it also.  It was a simple command of God.. but they chose to yield to the temptation rather than to trust and obey.  We all have inherited that sinful DNA.   When Jesus resists the temptations of Satan.. He broke the pattern.. He broke the chain! 

I John 2:16 gives us three categories of the temptations of the world.. "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world."  The lust of the flesh - desires and cravings for our bodies;  the lust of the eyes - wanting more an more.. never being satisfied ( Proverbs 27:20  says it well);  the boastful pride of life - boasting from an evil heart ( Jeremiah 9:23 says "Thus says the Lord, 'Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness on earth, for I delight in these things..." ) 

Satan has no new playbook.. he uses the same lies as he always has.  He even tried to use them on Jesus. 

The first temptation was about bread.  Jesus was hungry after 40 days of fasting. Satan tempted Him to turn the stones into bread. Satan wanted Jesus to prove His Sonship by feeding Himself.  Jesus refused.  We are to trust God for what our bodies need, knowing that when we seek Him first and His righteousness that God will provide.  "Man does not live by bread alone, but on every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God"  Jesus replied.  Jesus did not have to prove He is the Son of God by making bread.. He proved it by trusting the Father. He conquered the "lust of the flesh"!

The second temptation was about pride.. Satan took Jesus to the top of the temple and told Him to throw Himself off.. to let the angels catch Him, like the scriptures said they would.  Jesus refused, "... You shall not put the Lord your God to the test."  Jesus refused to boast of His position as the Son of God.. instead, He humbled Himself and took the form of a man.. He knew God and would obey every Word from the Father. 

The third temptation was aimed at making Jesus desire  "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory." The price was falling down and worshiping Satan.  Jesus had already been promised the nations.. they would be His according to the Father's will, not according to Satan's scheme.  Jesus was finished with Satan's lies and ordered him away. "Be gone"!

Father in heaven, thank You for the faithful obedience taught by Jesus through the wilderness temptations. Thank You that the chain is broken and we have been made new in Christ.. so that we can resist Satan and live according to Your Word and by the power of Your Holy Spirit.  May we follow Jesus in obedience... with humility and trust.. knowing that no matter what, You are able to deliver us and keep us from falling!  We put our hope and faith in You alone. Keep us in the shadow of Your wings we ask, in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Monday, April 4, 2022

 Matthew 3   John the Baptist "came preaching"... he arrived on the scene at just the right moment to "Make ready the way of the Lord."   John preached repentance.  His message was clear.. " ... the kingdom of heaven is at hand."   God was doing something in Israel that was brand new.  It had been many years since there was this kind of movement in the spiritual realm.  Years since a prophet had prophesied.. years since the people had hope of truth and salvation.  All Israel seemed to be waiting on such news.. for they came to John out in the wilderness..  "Then Jerusalem was going out to him, and all Judea, and all the district around the Jordan." 

Even the Pharisees and Sadducees came.  They wanted the baptism... but they were unwilling to confess their sins.. to acknowledge that their righteousness was not real and that they were not ready to repent.

To repent is to change your mind about your sin. Repentance comes when you acknowledge your actions and regret them.. when you feel compunction - the sting of guilt, the pricking of your conscience.. dissatisfaction with your choices.. so much so that you desire to change.. to turn from those things. 

True repentance results in a change.  John put it this way.. "Therefore bring forth the fruit in keeping with repentance." 

Baptism is a proclamation of one's decision to change.. to acknowledge your sin..  to turn away from sin.. all kinds of sin.. and to turn to God.  To decide that you don't want to live in the way you have been living.. but in the way of the Lord.  

The Pharisees and Sadducees were counting on their connection to Abraham for their salvation.  They were not willing to confess that they needed to change anything. The fruit of their lives didn't matter, in their eyes... pride, selfishness, cruelty, self-righteousness, deceit, stealing and cheating... these sins were not even pricking their consciences.  Truly they were a "brood of vipers". 

John taught them about baptism.  The "water" baptism was for repentance. The greater baptism to come would be for so much more.. "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."  Baptized - overwhelmed - overpowered, overturned, covered over, poured out from above.    John told Jesus, "I have need to be baptized by You... "  O Yes!  We need that too - to be overwhelmed, covered over, and overpowered by Jesus Christ.. His Spirit poured down over us from above!

Jesus asked John to join Him in fulfilling "all righteousness".  This baptism was unlike any other.  Jesus submitted to the Father, going under the water.. going down into death.  ".. The heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and coming down upon Him."  The Spirit overwhelmed Him.  And the Father spoke.. "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." 

Yes,  something was happening in Israel. Something happened in this world on that day.. Jesus came to bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth. Hallelujah!

Father in heaven, we praise Your Name.  We give thanks for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, Your Beloved Son. Thank You for the gift of repentance. We know that we can't even do that without Your help. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who has been poured out upon us.. to overwhelm us with true righteousness and peace, with love and grace, with hope and joy.  May the fruits of true repentance, the fruits of Your Spirit fill our lives as we choose to follow Jesus.  We lay down our lives and take up our crosses and follow Jesus.. overflow in our lives Holy Spirit.. that the Father will be pleased. amen. 

Friday, April 1, 2022

  April 1st.. Halfway through the Psalms.. seems a good time to take an intermission and head to the New Testament as we approach the Easter season.  

Matthew 1-2 gives us the story of the birth of Christ.  The genealogy shows the legal requirement for Jesus to be king of Israel.  He is the heir to the throne by human accounting.. but He is the Heir to the Throne by the plan..the will of God. 

The birth of Jesus to Mary, a virgin girl of humble means, betrothed to Joseph "a righteous man".. reveals to us the grace of our God. "Immanuel" - God with us.. came to live among his people, so that He could "save His people from their sins."  Matthew condenses the story, skipping over the angel's proclamation to the shepherds, and takes us straight to the magi who came to worship the King.  They followed His star, but seemed to lose it long enough to go to Jerusalem and speak to Herod.  When they found out about Bethlehem and headed that direction, the star appeared to them again and they "rejoiced exceedingly with great joy." 

The story is familiar. The magi leave without telling Herod their findings. Herod sends soldiers to kill innocent children.. hoping to stop God's Son. But, Joseph had a dream and off they went to Egypt for a time. Finally, this family returns to Israel and takes up residence in Nazareth. 

Matthew's gospel reminds us again and again that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies. Every detail is meant to assure his readers that this Jesus IS the Messiah that they had been waiting for.  Jesus, fully man and fully God.. came to fulfill the plan that was made.. before the creation of the world.  

It is such a perfect plan, with perfect timing.. that it makes me confident that the rest of His plan will be perfect too.  Christ will return and take us to heaven to be with Him forever. He will come and set up a Kingdom that will have no end.. with a new heaven and a new earth and a new Jerusalem.  He will do all that has been foretold.. it will be at the perfect time.. for it is a perfect plan.. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Father in heaven, we thank You for the story of Jesus.. the old, old story that we never tire of hearing! That Jesus came to be with us.. to save us.. by His birth, His life, His death, and His resurrection.. this is our greatest joy!  Fill us again with the hope and love and joy of Your Spirit as we remember again the wonder of Jesus Christ, Immanuel.. God with us... and as we look forward to the day when we will be with You, face to face!  Amen.