Monday, January 24, 2022

 Psalm 29  "Ascribe to the Lord, O sons of the mighty, Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength."  

This word  "ascribe"..means more than just to give.. it can mean much more.. to apply, to appoint, to cast, to consider.. to direct or distribute.. doubtless and without fail.. to pay... to restore.. to recompense..  to show.. to thrust.. weep.. yield.  ( Strong's concordance). 

David commands the "sons of the mighty" to give to the Lord the honor and glory that is rightfully His.. to worship accordingly.. to "worship the Lord in holy array"... to worship Him in "the majesty of holiness".  We come to a place set apart.. a place that is sacred,...when we come to worship our Holy God. 

David proclaims the greatness of the Lord who is due this glory:

 He says we hear the power of His voice "upon the waters"; in the "thunder" of "many waters". Perhaps that is why we love to walk by the ocean and hear the pound of the waves and watch in wonder as the sea continually rises and swells and washes into the shore.  There is an eternal rhythm in the ocean waves. It is indeed "powerful" and "majestic"... and beautiful.  This gives us a picture of God's voice.  It draws us in and touches our souls. 

God's voice "breaks the cedars".  It makes Lebanon "skip like a calf". It "hews out flames of fire".  It "shakes the wilderness."  Mountains or valleys, forests or plains.. the voice of God is sovereign over every place and every thing, David proclaims.  "The voice of the Lord makes the deer to calve, and strips the forest bare... "  All of nature.. all of creation is His.  He is intimately involved in every part of life... in the bounty and in the devastation. In all of life.. we can hear His voice.. if we learn to listen. 

"And in His temple everything says, 'Glory'!"  For "The Lord sat as King at the flood; Yes the Lord sits as King forever."   God is on His throne!  Hallelujah!  Glory! Glory!

We often pray for the Lord to move.. or for His hand upon us.. but today, the Shepherd draws our attention to His voice.. the same voice the said, "Let there be light.. "; the same voice who John wrote about with these words.. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 

David says, "The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace."  And Jesus said, "He who has ears, let him hear.." ( Matthew 13:9)  

Father in heaven, by Your great power and grace, let us hear Your voice today.  May we hear with our ears and understand with our hearts.. and return to You so that You can heal us. ( Matt. 13:15)  May our hearts not remain dull, our eyes blind, and our ears without understanding.  Father, we ascribe to You  glory and strength.. the glory due Your Name.  You are our King forever and we worship You in spirit and in truth, with "holy array".  Thank You for drawing us closer today, through Your Word.. through Your majestic voice.  We praise You, Father, Son, and Spirit. Amen. 

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