Tuesday, January 11, 2022

 Psalm 20 This psalm is a precious prayer.. a prayer of intercession for another.. for a friend or a child.. or for anyone in need of victory in their life.. 

" May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble."  My friend, what troubles are you facing today? Who do you know that is facing a health problem, a financial problem, or family or relationship problem?  Pray for them.. Pray that the Lord will be their Refuge and Rock. Encourage them in their faith or if they are not believers, tell them about Jesus  who is the One who can solve every problem!

"May the name of the God of Jacob set you securely on high!"  We all desire to be secure...to be safe from the enemy of our souls.. to be safe from the troubles of this world.  This prayer is not just for safety.. put for victory in the Name that is above all names!  Let us pray for one another to be "set securely on high" in the Name of our Lord. 

"May He send you help from the sanctuary, and support you from Zion! May He remember all your meal offerings, and find your burnt offering acceptable!"  In some ways I see this as a prayer for the church... that the Body of Christ will help and support those in need.  That they.. we.. will be faithful in prayer and in deed.. to reach out to  our brothers and sisters in Christ.  May we pray blessings for each other.  May we seek God's grace for those who are struggling. 

"May He grant you your heart's desire, and fulfill all your counsel!"  Can we pray this bold prayer for each other? David did. So, we can too.  

May God give you all that you need and bless you with victory in the journey that you are on today!  May we rejoice with others when they are victorious, when God has granted them favor, when the Lord has answered their prayers.  May we know the powerful Hand of God and give Him all praise and honor and glory! Amen and amen. 

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