Friday, January 14, 2022

 Psalm 23  This song is a favorite for many people.  It brings us a sense of our Shepherd's presence and active participation in our lives.  It reminds us that no matter what.. our Great Shepherd is with us.  It is a psalm easily memorized and brings comfort and peace into our hearts.  

(If you have never read the book about this psalm from a shepherd's point of view, I would highly recommend it. There are several out there.)

Currently I am reading a book called Soul Care.  This author focuses on the cracks in our souls - the foundation of our lives that need to be restored.. So the verse that sticks out to me right now is verse 3 - "He restores my soul."  This is the desire of my Shepherd.  It is why He leads me to "lie down in green pastures" and "beside quiet waters".   It is why He provides for me what I lack and why He guides me in His ways. 

The word translated restore is the Hebrew word shuwb - It has a great variety of meanings - to turn back; to return to the starting point; to retreat;  to go home again;  to do anything; to lay down, to deliver, to refresh, recover, or relieve... and on and on..  Our Shepherd is continually.. day by day.. working on our souls.. to bring us home.  Like the prodigal son.. home to the Father.. restored to the place of love and belonging. To Himself..

One of the things, the author of Soul Care talks about is how we build the foundation of our lives on lies instead of the truth.  The truth is that our lives, our worth, is not found in our performance, our acceptance and love from others, or our control of circumstances.. but, he says, "The issue of your value is settled at the cross. On the cross, the Father said to you and me, 'You are of infinite worth to me. I declare you worthy of my Son's blood.' "   May that truth go deep into our souls!

Father in heaven, thank You for the Almighty Shepherd who leads us, guides us, feeds us, anoints us, protects us, and dwells with us forever.  May Your Spirit be poured out upon us once again that we would know the Truth and that we would be set free from any and all faulty foundations.  Thank You for the cross and for the love that You freely bestow on us, Your children. We want to be with You.. to "dwell in the house of the Lord forever!"  May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done..  Amen! 

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