Monday, January 3, 2022

 Psalm 18 " I love Thee, O Lord.. "  David begins this song of praise.  God is his strength, his rock, his fortress, his deliverer,  "My God, my rock in whom I take refuge."  He is David's shield and "the horn of [his] salvation."  

This is Who God is.  The rest of the song will tell of all the Lord has done.. but David starts with this praise of the One who is his Lord and God. 

We can only take refuge if we find a place of safety and protection.. a place we can trust in.. find hope in.. one we can confidently come to and rest in..  David tells us that this place is in a Person.. it is the Lord "who is God in heaven above and in the earth below.. and there is no other." ( Deut. 4:39)

What does it mean.. that God is my strength? The hebrew word is also translated "help".  It is used to denote the character of God, Who's prevailing power is above all else.  Because His power is the ultimate power, He is the ultimate Refuge. 

David says that God is His "rock".  This speaks of stability and security.  God is his "fortress" - picturing a place of protection and defense.  He is a "shield" and a "stronghold" -  military terms that suggest protection and deliverance from enemies.. ( Bible Knowledge Commentary) 

I am reminded of Psalm 17:8 "Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Thy wing." God will hold me close, will help me, protect me, shield me, defend me.. when I take Him as my Refuge.  He has offered this to me and to you. In good times and in bad... in sickness and in health.. in spite of anything this world throws at me.  "I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies." (v3)

Father, open my eyes to see You, to know You, to trust You and to obey You.. more and more.  I love You Lord, my strength.. I will take refuge in You alone! amen. 

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