Wednesday, January 12, 2022

 Psalm 21  Our Lord is our Deliverer.  David's prayer of praise goes beyond his deliverance from Saul or other enemies.  It speaks of an eternal deliverance, salvation that is granted "forever and ever".  With David we "rejoice" for this great salvation!

Our God has given us our "heart's desire".  He has heard our prayers and poured out His blessings.  He has given us life - new life through Jesus Christ.  We have been born again.. born of the Spirit, raised to new life in our Lord.   We rejoice in the splendor and majesty of our glorious King.  We can be joyful in His Presence. 

This psalm points to Jesus, coming again to judge the earth.  The wicked will perish and the righteous will exalt Him for ever and ever.  "We will sing and praise Thy power".

There is an old hymn that proclaims these truths this way.. 

"Tis the grandest theme through the ages rung; 
tis the grandest theme for a mortal tongue,
 tis the grandest theme that the world e'er sung -
 Our God is able to deliver thee. 

 He is able! He has done it! 

"To the guilty heart, to the sinful soul; Look to God in faith, He will make thee whole".  

Father in heaven, this is the message that our world needs more than anything.  May we believe it for ourselves and for others.  May we make it known far and wide. May we be bold in proclaiming this truth for those around us today.  You are able.. and willing.. to deliver us from sin, from sickness, from sadness.. and from eternal death.  We praise You with all our might today and for eternity! Great is our God, our Deliverer, in whom we trust. Amen. 

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