Friday, June 11, 2021

 II Chronicles 8-10 These chapters describe Solomon's successes. Great wealth. Great power. Great respect.  But, we know the great failure too.  Foreign wives that led him into idolatry. Pride that tarnished his relationship with God.  And in the end he left one son, Rehoboam, who lost most of the tribes of Israel to Jeroboam because of his great lack of wisdom. 

We learn from Solomon that it is not how wise, how rich, how powerful, or even how blessed a person can be... if he or she loses the right relationship with God. The book of Ecclesiastes, thought to be written by Solomon, echoes these sentiments.. "Vanity of vanities... All is vanity..."  He wrote "The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgement, everything which is hidden, whether good or evil."  Return to God, Solomon exhorts us... for everything else is vanity. 

I read this in a devotional book by Andrew Murray this morning.. "Why were they (the disciples) so privileged to spend those last days with Him (Jesus) and to receive His instruction? The answer is simple. when Jesus called them, they left everything behind and followed Him. They renounced their lives, counted them as unimportant, and were willing to do His bidding."   Jesus "had to sacrifice all to be an offering to God, so Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph had to give up everything in order to become a sacrifice to God. Therefore, the disciples also had to give up everything to follow God's call, separated to God alone. Only then could God fulfill His purpose in them."  ( Daily in His Presence.. emphasis mine)

After having it all.. Solomon realized in his conclusion of Ecclesiastes.. it was all vanity... worthless. Only a right relationship with God has true value.  Paul said the same thing.. it's all "loss".. it's all garbage.. compared with the "surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord." (Phil. 3:8)

Father in heaven, You are God and all things belong to You.  Some of us are wise, rich, or even powerful.. but most of us are not. Still, whatever we have.. belongs to You. All the "things" we have.. we must be willing to let go of and to give it all up to follow You.  Help us to recognize this truth.. lay it all down, take up our crosses, and follow Jesus. May we keep Your purposes before us. May we keep our eyes fixed on You.  Sanctify us.. set us apart fully for Yourself we pray.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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