Monday, June 28, 2021

 II Chronicles 29-31  Hezekiah!  Coming from a wicked father, this king turns everything around.  He restores the temple, restores the priests and Levites, and restores the giving of tithes.  He also restores the celebration of Passover.. even inviting those from Israel to join with them in Jerusalem. And, although some mocked and scorned this invitation.. some came. 

What an amazing turn about! "The hand of God was also on Judah to give them one heart to do what the king and the princes commanded by the word of the Lord." ( 30:12)

Hezekiah brought about the reforms because he "did what was good, right, and true before the Lord his God. And every work which he began in the service of the house of God in and in commandment, seeking his God, he did with all his heart and prospered." (31:20-21)

Because of Hezekiah's heart for God.. joy was restored.. provisions were made.. and healing was granted. 

Oh for a leader like Hezekiah to rise up in our land today.  A man willing to lead us back to God. A man willing to turn away from wickedness and idolatry.  A man to reach out to others and persuade them to remember the Lord and to serve Him was again. 

Lord God, blessed be Your name in all the earth!  Hear our prayers, Father, for our nation, where sin and wickedness has found not only a foothold, but an open door... Deliver us from evil, Lord God. Raise up men and women who will do what is good and right and true.. before You. Bring revival for Your church.. especially those who have turned away or compromised with the ways of our world. May the Word of God spread rapidly.. run freely and be glorified in our land, we pray.   May our nation wake up to the Truth and seek You with all our hearts.. so that we might be Your people.. one nation.. under God! We ask this in the name of our true King, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen. 

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