Tuesday, June 15, 2021

 II Chronicles 13  After Rehoboam's death, his son Abijah (also called Abijam) became king of Judah.  Jeroboam was still king of Israel.  Abijah followed his father Rehoboam, who had turned away from following the Lord. But, this chapter records a change of heart. 

Jeroboam brought 800,000 warriors to fight against Judah's 400,000 warriors.  The battle was set in the hill country of Ephraim. From Mount Zemaraim Abijah called out to Jeroboam, reminding him that the kingdom was God's and it was promised to David's sons.  He reminded Jeroboam that the Lord was on Judah's side because they served Him, while Israel had driven out the priests and Levites and had made themselves priests of the golden calves.. who were NOT god. 

Abijah and his people were surrounded by Jeroboam's army.. for they had set an ambush behind and the army in front. But, Judah cried out to the Lord and "then it was that God routed Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah."( v14-15)

500,00 Israelites were slain that day. "..and the sons of Judah conquered because they trusted in the Lord, the God of their fathers". 

Jeroboam never recovered from this defeat. The battle belonged to the Lord! Victory is always for His glory. What important lessons we can learn from this account:

The Lord is on our side.. because we are His servants, His children. 

We serve a Living God who sees the enemy that surrounds us.. and He will deliver us when we cry out to  Him. 

Even when the odds are against us, we must keep trusting, keep praying, and keep serving our God, for only He can win the battle. 

Father in heaven, we are thankful that we belong to You.. that You are our Fortress and our Strong Deliverer.  Every battle belongs to You.  We may not face an army of warriors, like Judah, but we are up against a foe that surrounds us in front and behind.. an enemy who seeks to "steal and kill and destroy".  Our "adversary, the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. "  But, You have shown us grace.. calling us to "eternal glory in Christ" who "will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish" us.  Hallelujah!  Some trust in chariots and some in horses.. but we trust in You, the Lord our God!  Help us to remember Who You are and who we are in Christ Jesus, who abides in us.. whose almighty power has been revealed in us... to the glory of Your Name. Amen. 

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