Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Matthew 9 Jesus exhibits His authority and compassion -
Forgiving and healing the paralytic;
Including the tax-collectors and sinners;
Raising the young girl from the dead;
Restoring sight to the two blind men;
Casting out the demon from the dumb man and giving him speech.
Multitudes of lost people.. and Jesus felt compassion for each and every one of them.

His message is still the same - "take courage.. believe.. Be it done to you  according to your faith." 
He has authority over all things.
His desire is to give health to the sick and compassion to the hurting.
This is the same Jesus whom we serve.

Father, we are blessed beyond measure with a wonderful Savior and Lord.. our Great Shepherd and our Coming King.  May we walk in faith every day, abiding in Christ, and believing in His authority and compassion.  May our faith grow stronger and our love grow deeper.  Amen.

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