Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Matthew 8: 28-34  There is so much that I want to grasp from the words and actions of Jesus.. I find it hard to skip over any of the events recorded by Matthew in this gospel.  This is one of my favorite stories..

Jesus and the disciples survive the storm and land on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. It is the country of the Gadarenes.  The first two people they meet there are the demon-possessed men who are so violent that no one can even pass by the road.  They are not the kind of people you want to come across in the daylight, let alone at night.

The demons that possess these men recognize Jesus instantly.   They call Him by name "Son of God".
They know that they are inferior to Him and will be judged by Him..  " Have You come here to torment us before the time?" 

The demons beg Jesus to let them go into the swine and He answers their request. They leave the men, go into the swine, and the whole herd rush into the water and die. The herdsmen run away, the people come and beg Jesus to leave.. and off He goes.

Mark's account of this story is a little different.  He records that there is one man, so filled with demons that he is called "Legion".  Mark also tells us that afterward the man was "sitting down, clothed and in his right mind.."  After the people asked Jesus to leave, this man desired to go with Him.  Instead, Jesus sent him out as an evangelist to his own people.  This man "went away and began to proclaim in Decapolis what great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone marveled."

I love this story because it shows me that Jesus crossed the sea, calmed a storm, and landed in an unwelcoming country... all for the sake of one or two men.  The only place He visited was the cemetery. The only ones He healed were violent, hopeless outcasts.  What amazing grace! It doesn't matter where we are or what our problems may be.. Jesus will find us!

Father in heaven, we are all hopeless outcasts until You come to us and free us from the dominion of darkness. Thank You for the open door through Jesus Christ the Son of God, who came for us! Thank You that storms or violence.. fear or demons... Nothing can keep us from You !  What a Mighty and Great God You are!  Draw us nearer, nearer, and nearer to Your heart and will today Lord.  Amen!

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