Thursday, July 4, 2019

Matthew 8

Verses 1-4  The leper - This man came to Jesus and bowed down - in humility he asked for the thing he needed most - cleansing. " Lord, if you are willing, You can make me clean."  What a statement of faith!  Jesus was willing and reached out to touch the untouchable one.. and he was immediately cleansed.

It occurs to me that this is what we all need.. cleansing.  It is as impossible for us to cleanse ourselves from our sins - as it was for the leper to cleanse himself from his disease.  But, Christ is willing!  His mercy is great.  His grace is sufficient!  Like the leper, we must recognize our inability to cleanse ourselves - and come to the One who alone is able- and we will find Him willing!

Verses 5-13  The centurion -  This man came to Jesus on behalf of another,  his servant, one that he cared for and valued; one who was suffering and without hope - except for Jesus.  Again, we find Jesus willing.. but there is another lesson in humility that we need to learn here..  The centurion recognized the divine power of Christ - and had faith and  confidence in His authority.   Matthew Henry writes - "See the power of Christ, and the power of faith."  Believe and receive..  Jesus commended the faith of the Roman centurion..  will He commend ours?

Matthew Henry - "We should concern ourselves for the souls of our children and servants, if they are spiritually sick, or feel not spiritual evils, or know not what is spiritually good; and we should bring them to Christ by faith and prayers."

Lord God, You are mighty to save.  You are the Creator and Ruler of all of heaven and earth and there is nothing that is impossible for You.  I come to You, to intercede for my loved ones - those who are filled with unbelief- that You would save them; for those who are hearers of the Word, but who do not have a personal relationship with You, that You would bring them into truth; and  for those who are Yours, but need to grow up in You to full maturity, that You would complete Your work in them.   They all need You to reach out and touch them, to save them, sanctify them, and to perfect them in Christ Jesus.  We all need You now, this very hour... and we pray for Your Kingdom, full of power and glory, would come into our lives; and that Your good and perfect will would be done in us.  In the name of Jesus, who is the heir of all things, who upholds all things, through whom all things were made and are sustained..  He who has the Name that is greater than all others, the Beloved Son; we pray.  Amen.

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