Monday, July 29, 2019

Matthew 12  The Pharisees looked for something to condemn Jesus for... so intent on their own ways and laws, that they missed the Truth.  Jesus has three messages for them in this chapter...

v 6 "But I say to you that something greater than the temple is here."
v41".. and behold, something greater than Jonah is here."
v42"... and behold something greater than Solomon is here." 

The Pharisees'  first issue was that Jesus allowed His disciples to pick grain from the field and eat it.  Jesus teaches them that "compassion and not a sacrifice" is what God desires.  They deliberately ignored what the Word said about David eating consecrated bread from the temple and the priests who work on the Sabbath.  They only wanted to condemn, not love or believe.

The second incident involved the healing of a man in the synagogue on the Sabbath.  The Pharisees again wanted to accuse and condemn.  Jesus taught that if they would have consideration of a sheep who fell in a pit on the Sabbath, why could they not have consideration of a man in need? "Of how much more value then is a man than a sheep! So then, it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."   Jesus healed a man's withered hand, making it completely whole!  This was impossible except for the fact that He is God.  The Pharisees still could not see and would not repent.

The third situation involved a demon-possessed man who was both blind and dumb.  Jesus healed this man completely.  It was such a powerful and supernatural healing that the Pharisees could not deny it.  So, they chose to give the credit to Satan instead of to God...

This unleashed a severe condemnation from Jesus.  He called them a "brood of vipers.. being evil.. a generation..."  that will be condemned by the men of Nineveh who repented at the message of Jonah and by the Queen of the South who traveled "from the ends of the earth just to hear the wisdom of Solomon.. " 

The Pharisees would not acknowledge that the Kingdom of God had come.  They did not recognize the Truth and they did not honor the Spirit of God.  This "blasphemy" would not be forgiven "either in this age or in the age to come."   Jesus warned them that they would be held responsible for every word that came out of their mouths.  A judgement is coming and all people will have to give an account of how we speak.  As I like to remind my grandchildren, " Words matter!"

The Pharisees and scribes, having been chastised, take another tact - "Teacher, we want to see a sign from You."  They want to manipulate the Son of God.  They want their own desires instead of seeking the heart of God.  Jesus will not bow to their wishes.  No signs would be performed for their entertainment.  All they had to do was open their eyes to what He had already done!  But, Jesus did give them something to watch for - the sign of Jonah - 3 days and nights when the "Son of man" would be in the "heart of the earth". 

With great love and gentleness Jesus accepts all who will do the will of the Father to be His "brother and sister and mother."  What an amazing gift of grace!  The "evil generation" will find itself becoming worse and worse as they are deceived and corrupted by the evil one.  But, those who will believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him, find hope in His name.   

Jesus Christ, the Servant, the Beloved Son, came to proclaim justice and hope and salvation.  He came to make us His family.  He came to show us the Greatness of God - Our Savior is greater than any religion, greater than any prophet, and greater than any King.  He is greater than any gift, greater than any illness, and greater than any evil one.

 Jesus, we exalt You and desire to know You more and more, that we might love You and walk in obedience and submission to You and to our Father who is in heaven,  always. Amen.

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