Friday, July 5, 2019

Matthew 8

Verses14-17  Jesus healed the leper and the centurion's servant, then came into Peter's home to discover a great need there too.  Sometimes the people we love and live with are the ones that need some attention. This woman was personally known and greatly loved by Jesus. They were like family.  Her fever could have been life threatening in that day. But, Jesus saw her and touched her hand.. and she immediately was healed.   What is more amazing even than that is her next action - "she arose and waited on Him." 

Quickly the word spread around the town of all that Jesus had done - so that by nightfall, every sick and demon-possessed person was brought to Him - so that He could heal and deliver them.  This is who our Lord is - still!  So kind, so compassionate, and so powerful!  We must look at Him closely...
We see through His actions the gentle mercy that He exhibits.. and we know that He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

Father in heaven, thank You for sending Jesus, Your only begotten and beloved Son.. the exact representation of Your nature, the radiance of Your glory.. so that we can gaze into the character and the nature of our glorious God!  After all the years of knowing You, reading Your Word, walking in faith, and trusting You.. how is it that I feel like I still don't see You clearly enough?  Draw me closer. Open my eyes and heart more.  Like Moses, I pray, let me see Your glory!  Let me stay in Your Presence and not be distracted by the world and the broad road to destruction.  Be with my family, that each one would be dear, loved, and known by Jesus, the loving Shepherd. In His wonderful name we pray, Amen.

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