Thursday, July 11, 2019

Matthew 10  Jesus chose 12 men to be His disciples.  To them He gave "authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness."   He gave them a message to preach, " The kingdom of heaven is at hand."  

The Kingdom of heaven - where God sits on the throne in power and glory and majesty;  where His will is done completely and perfectly; where worship is continuous and spontaneous... for the Presence of God, in all His radiance and beauty, is known. When the Kingdom of heaven comes, there will be healing, demons will flee, disease will be no more, cleansing will be given.

Once again we are drawn back to true prayer - "Let Your kingdom come!" 

As the disciples are sent out with this wonderful message they were told to give freely! Don't ask for money, don't worry about provisions, and stay only where you are received.  Those who reject the kingdom of God will face His judgement one day.. The disciples were not supposed to fight or argue, but simply shake the dust off their feet.

We have such a great message for the world, but there are many who will not receive it.  We can give and give.. but we cannot make anyone take.  How I wish we could!

Father in heaven, we give honor and respect to Your glorious Name.  You are God alone and You will once again send Your Son to earth, this time to receive Your children so that we can be with You forever!  What a wonderful day that will be. Yet, we still have loved ones that are far from You, who have not received Your grace, and we pray for them.. asking that You would once again have mercy and that You would give them willing hearts and minds.. to seek You and find You today.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

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