Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Matthew 7: 7-12  Think of this, Jesus, the Only Begotten Son, who is God,  tells us to ask, seek, and knock... to pray always and about everything! Matthew Henry's commentary says this, " Prayer is the appointed means for obtaining what we need. Pray; pray often; make a business of prayer; and be serious and earnest in it."

"Ask and it shall be given you;"  Matthew Henry says.. "Ask, as a beggar asks alms. Ask, as a traveler asks the way."

As I read this, I am transported back to a trip many years ago, to Mali, West Africa.  As we slowly drove down bumpy dirt roads through small villages, there would be children that would come right up to the windows of the car with their small items to sell, or to beg for money. They would be dressed in rags and their faces would be dirty... yet they almost always smiled, for they had hope.. that a gift would be given. Ask.. like that, Jesus is saying to us. Ask like a son who asks his father for a piece of bread or a piece of fish.  The son asks for what is good, and the father will surely give it to him, for he knows the child's need.  Our Father in heaven knows what is good for us.. what we really need.  When we ask, believing this, He will give it to us. 

"Seek and you shall find;"  Matthew Henry writes, " Seek, as for a thing of value that we have lost; or as the merchantman that seeks goodly pearls."  Ever lose your phone?  How about your credit card?  I've done both. Panic sets in. We retrace our steps, go back to where we last remember seeing it or using it.. stop doing anything else until we find it... When was the last time you prayed like that?
Jesus says we can seek and keep seeking.. keep praying and God will provide!

"Knock and it shall be opened to you."  Matthew Henry - " Knock, as he that desires to enter into the house knocks at the door. Sin has shut and barred the door against us; by prayer we knock.  Whatever you pray for, according to the promise, shall be given you, if God thinks it fit for you; and what would you have more?"

It is that simple.. ask, seek, knock. Believe the Words of Jesus... and "act upon them".   May our prayer lives be transformed by these truths.

Father, You are Almighty, Holy, and Good.  You have us in Your Hands.  You know our every need. You know what is good and fit for each of us.  We ask for daily bread, believing in Your grace to provide. We seek Your directions and believe that You will lead us in paths of righteousness.  We knock, and You open the door that we can enter Your Kingdom, our eternal home.  Thank You for the Word of Christ and for the Holy Spirit who teaches us and reminds us of all that we need to know, day by day.  Transform us, renewing our minds once again, from glory to glory.. amen.

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