Monday, July 8, 2019

Matthew 8: 18-34

As Jesus gets ready to leave the area, two men approach Him.  The first, a scribe, comes to vow to follow Jesus.. but Jesus tells him to consider the cost. Jesus has no place to lay His head.. as a follower of Christ, one must be prepared to sacrifice everything.  Most likely, this scribe would not be willing to do that.  The second man, wants to first bury his father and then follow.  Jesus tell him, "Follow Me; and allow the dead to bury their own dead."  

Matthew Henry writes.. "Delay in doing is as bad on the one hand, as hastiness in resolving is on the other."   Jesus knew the hearts of both of these men.  He knew that the first had not counted the cost of being His disciple and that he would not persevere in the struggles ahead.  He also knew that the second man would be a true disciple.  The first man said, " I will follow..."  The second man received the call of Jesus, "Follow Me."  Matthew Henry's commentary brings this point out - " .. comparing them together, it shows that we are brought to Christ by the force of His call." 

Verses 23-27 tell the story of the storm in the sea.   While Jesus slept, a storm that threatened to swamp the boat, frightened the disciples. They knew to wake their Master.. but they did not know what He would do next. With just a word, Jesus stopped the winds and waves.. " and it became perfectly calm".   We all face storms in life - inward or outward storms that threaten to overwhelm us.
Like the disciples, we may think that Jesus doesn't care or that He is asleep and unaware of our peril.
But, Jesus tells us here that the real problem isn't the storm - it is our "little faith".    We need to memorize Philippians 4:6-7 and practice it in faith, " Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 

Father in heaven, blessed be Your Name.  May all the earth come to revere and honor You. Come and rule over us with power and glory, so that all will come to know You in truth.  Bring peace to rule in Your church, in all of Your children, so that we will not live in fear but in faith.  There are many storms brewing in our country, but we are reminded that we are Yours in Christ Jesus, and we are not alone. You do not sleep.  You will not forsake us.  You will keep us in Your peace as long as we abide in You.  Bless us with Your Presence and power in newness of life today, by Your Spirit, in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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