Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Matthew 13  That day, Jesus went out to sit by the sea.  A crowd began to gather so He got on a boat, sat down, and began speaking.  However, He spoke only in parables.  When His disciples asked Him why, Jesus told them that they had been granted the opportunity to know the "mysteries of the kingdom of heaven", but others had not.  The crowd was "seeing" but did not see. They were "hearing", but they did not understand.  Their hearts were hardened. They had closed their eyes and stopped their ears with their unbelief.

The first parable - the sower and the seed - clearly explains what happens when people hear the Word of God..

Some will hear it and not understand, so they don't go any further and Satan snatches it away.
Some will hear the Word and think it is great!  But, they go no further and it dies and they walk away.
Some hear the Word and struggle.  Things of this world choke it out and they can't or won't fight the thorns and weeds.  Their lives don't change at all.
But, some will hear the Word and receive it fully.  Their lives are transformed and they become fruitful in service to the Lord.

The second parable shows us that, even though we may not see a distinction between true believers and false ones.. God can.  He is the ultimate judge and He will justly separate the righteous from the unrighteous. It is up to Him.

Father, may we be fruitful and multiply as Your Word fills our hearts and transforms our lives.  May Your name be glorified and may Your will be done as we dwell in Your Kingdom.  Give us understanding as You provide our every need today. Grant us forgiveness and peace with all men.
Deliver us from temptations that might interfere and choke out the Word.  Rescue us from the lies and deceptions that Satan dares to sow into our lives.  We serve and worship You alone, in Christ Jesus, the Son of God and the mighty Shepherd, the One who has bought us with a precious price and who intercedes for us even now. Amen.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Matthew 12  The Pharisees looked for something to condemn Jesus for... so intent on their own ways and laws, that they missed the Truth.  Jesus has three messages for them in this chapter...

v 6 "But I say to you that something greater than the temple is here."
v41".. and behold, something greater than Jonah is here."
v42"... and behold something greater than Solomon is here." 

The Pharisees'  first issue was that Jesus allowed His disciples to pick grain from the field and eat it.  Jesus teaches them that "compassion and not a sacrifice" is what God desires.  They deliberately ignored what the Word said about David eating consecrated bread from the temple and the priests who work on the Sabbath.  They only wanted to condemn, not love or believe.

The second incident involved the healing of a man in the synagogue on the Sabbath.  The Pharisees again wanted to accuse and condemn.  Jesus taught that if they would have consideration of a sheep who fell in a pit on the Sabbath, why could they not have consideration of a man in need? "Of how much more value then is a man than a sheep! So then, it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."   Jesus healed a man's withered hand, making it completely whole!  This was impossible except for the fact that He is God.  The Pharisees still could not see and would not repent.

The third situation involved a demon-possessed man who was both blind and dumb.  Jesus healed this man completely.  It was such a powerful and supernatural healing that the Pharisees could not deny it.  So, they chose to give the credit to Satan instead of to God...

This unleashed a severe condemnation from Jesus.  He called them a "brood of vipers.. being evil.. a generation..."  that will be condemned by the men of Nineveh who repented at the message of Jonah and by the Queen of the South who traveled "from the ends of the earth just to hear the wisdom of Solomon.. " 

The Pharisees would not acknowledge that the Kingdom of God had come.  They did not recognize the Truth and they did not honor the Spirit of God.  This "blasphemy" would not be forgiven "either in this age or in the age to come."   Jesus warned them that they would be held responsible for every word that came out of their mouths.  A judgement is coming and all people will have to give an account of how we speak.  As I like to remind my grandchildren, " Words matter!"

The Pharisees and scribes, having been chastised, take another tact - "Teacher, we want to see a sign from You."  They want to manipulate the Son of God.  They want their own desires instead of seeking the heart of God.  Jesus will not bow to their wishes.  No signs would be performed for their entertainment.  All they had to do was open their eyes to what He had already done!  But, Jesus did give them something to watch for - the sign of Jonah - 3 days and nights when the "Son of man" would be in the "heart of the earth". 

With great love and gentleness Jesus accepts all who will do the will of the Father to be His "brother and sister and mother."  What an amazing gift of grace!  The "evil generation" will find itself becoming worse and worse as they are deceived and corrupted by the evil one.  But, those who will believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him, find hope in His name.   

Jesus Christ, the Servant, the Beloved Son, came to proclaim justice and hope and salvation.  He came to make us His family.  He came to show us the Greatness of God - Our Savior is greater than any religion, greater than any prophet, and greater than any King.  He is greater than any gift, greater than any illness, and greater than any evil one.

 Jesus, we exalt You and desire to know You more and more, that we might love You and walk in obedience and submission to You and to our Father who is in heaven,  always. Amen.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Matthew 11  As Jesus sends His disciples out to preach and minister, He continues to minister His own self.  John the Baptist's disciples come to question Jesus, " Are You the Expected One?"

Jesus' answer to John is, " Go and report to John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over Me."

These words reflect the prophecy of Isaiah 35.   This is the description of Zion - the future Kingdom where the "glory of the Lord" and the "majesty of our God"  will be seen.  Isaiah tells of the "Highway of Holiness"  where only the redeemed will walk, where there will be everlasting joy and gladness.   This is the Kingdom of God.. and Jesus tells the disciples that they can see it and hear it!  Jesus commended John, but He says that those who enter "the kingdom of heaven" are greater than even John.

In verses 28-30, Jesus extends an open invitation to all to come into His Kingdom.. " Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and You shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My load is light."  

 The kingdom cannot be entered by violence.  It cannot be entered except by accepting the invitation that Jesus has extended. All authority and "all things" have been handed over to Jesus from the Father, the Lord of heaven and earth.  He calls us to repentance and to submission to His yoke - His authority.

Matthew Henry writes this.. "Christ invites all to come to him for rest to their souls. He alone gives this invitation,  men come to him, when, feeling their guilt and misery, and believing his love and power to help, they seek him in fervent prayer. Thus it is the duty and interest of weary and heavy-laden sinners, to come to Jesus Christ. This is the gospel call; Whoever will, let him come. All who thus come will receive rest as Christ's gift, and obtain peace and comfort in their hearts. But in coming to him they must take His yoke and submit to his authority. They must learn of him all things, as to their comfort and obedience. He accepts the willing servant, however imperfect his services."  The way of Jesus will require self-denial.. but "it is a yoke that is lined with love." Henry writes.  It is a pleasant yoke. It will encourage us and console us.  We will find that "The way of duty is a way of rest."

Father in heaven, we rejoice in the truth of Your Word and in the wonder of Your Kingdom, given to us through the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We come in His name to offer our thanks and our worship.  We  pray for the good news of Your Kingdom to be heard and seen in our country today.  We pray for those whose hearts have been veiled, that You would shine the Light upon them and that their ears would be opened to hear the invitation of Jesus, and that they would come to Him and enter His rest.  I pray this for my own family members who are still lost and without the Truth.  In the name of Jesus, the Lord of all. Amen.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Matthew 10  Jesus chose 12 men to be His disciples.  To them He gave "authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness."   He gave them a message to preach, " The kingdom of heaven is at hand."  

The Kingdom of heaven - where God sits on the throne in power and glory and majesty;  where His will is done completely and perfectly; where worship is continuous and spontaneous... for the Presence of God, in all His radiance and beauty, is known. When the Kingdom of heaven comes, there will be healing, demons will flee, disease will be no more, cleansing will be given.

Once again we are drawn back to true prayer - "Let Your kingdom come!" 

As the disciples are sent out with this wonderful message they were told to give freely! Don't ask for money, don't worry about provisions, and stay only where you are received.  Those who reject the kingdom of God will face His judgement one day.. The disciples were not supposed to fight or argue, but simply shake the dust off their feet.

We have such a great message for the world, but there are many who will not receive it.  We can give and give.. but we cannot make anyone take.  How I wish we could!

Father in heaven, we give honor and respect to Your glorious Name.  You are God alone and You will once again send Your Son to earth, this time to receive Your children so that we can be with You forever!  What a wonderful day that will be. Yet, we still have loved ones that are far from You, who have not received Your grace, and we pray for them.. asking that You would once again have mercy and that You would give them willing hearts and minds.. to seek You and find You today.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Matthew 9 Jesus exhibits His authority and compassion -
Forgiving and healing the paralytic;
Including the tax-collectors and sinners;
Raising the young girl from the dead;
Restoring sight to the two blind men;
Casting out the demon from the dumb man and giving him speech.
Multitudes of lost people.. and Jesus felt compassion for each and every one of them.

His message is still the same - "take courage.. believe.. Be it done to you  according to your faith." 
He has authority over all things.
His desire is to give health to the sick and compassion to the hurting.
This is the same Jesus whom we serve.

Father, we are blessed beyond measure with a wonderful Savior and Lord.. our Great Shepherd and our Coming King.  May we walk in faith every day, abiding in Christ, and believing in His authority and compassion.  May our faith grow stronger and our love grow deeper.  Amen.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Matthew 8: 28-34  There is so much that I want to grasp from the words and actions of Jesus.. I find it hard to skip over any of the events recorded by Matthew in this gospel.  This is one of my favorite stories..

Jesus and the disciples survive the storm and land on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. It is the country of the Gadarenes.  The first two people they meet there are the demon-possessed men who are so violent that no one can even pass by the road.  They are not the kind of people you want to come across in the daylight, let alone at night.

The demons that possess these men recognize Jesus instantly.   They call Him by name "Son of God".
They know that they are inferior to Him and will be judged by Him..  " Have You come here to torment us before the time?" 

The demons beg Jesus to let them go into the swine and He answers their request. They leave the men, go into the swine, and the whole herd rush into the water and die. The herdsmen run away, the people come and beg Jesus to leave.. and off He goes.

Mark's account of this story is a little different.  He records that there is one man, so filled with demons that he is called "Legion".  Mark also tells us that afterward the man was "sitting down, clothed and in his right mind.."  After the people asked Jesus to leave, this man desired to go with Him.  Instead, Jesus sent him out as an evangelist to his own people.  This man "went away and began to proclaim in Decapolis what great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone marveled."

I love this story because it shows me that Jesus crossed the sea, calmed a storm, and landed in an unwelcoming country... all for the sake of one or two men.  The only place He visited was the cemetery. The only ones He healed were violent, hopeless outcasts.  What amazing grace! It doesn't matter where we are or what our problems may be.. Jesus will find us!

Father in heaven, we are all hopeless outcasts until You come to us and free us from the dominion of darkness. Thank You for the open door through Jesus Christ the Son of God, who came for us! Thank You that storms or violence.. fear or demons... Nothing can keep us from You !  What a Mighty and Great God You are!  Draw us nearer, nearer, and nearer to Your heart and will today Lord.  Amen!

Monday, July 8, 2019

Matthew 8: 18-34

As Jesus gets ready to leave the area, two men approach Him.  The first, a scribe, comes to vow to follow Jesus.. but Jesus tells him to consider the cost. Jesus has no place to lay His head.. as a follower of Christ, one must be prepared to sacrifice everything.  Most likely, this scribe would not be willing to do that.  The second man, wants to first bury his father and then follow.  Jesus tell him, "Follow Me; and allow the dead to bury their own dead."  

Matthew Henry writes.. "Delay in doing is as bad on the one hand, as hastiness in resolving is on the other."   Jesus knew the hearts of both of these men.  He knew that the first had not counted the cost of being His disciple and that he would not persevere in the struggles ahead.  He also knew that the second man would be a true disciple.  The first man said, " I will follow..."  The second man received the call of Jesus, "Follow Me."  Matthew Henry's commentary brings this point out - " .. comparing them together, it shows that we are brought to Christ by the force of His call." 

Verses 23-27 tell the story of the storm in the sea.   While Jesus slept, a storm that threatened to swamp the boat, frightened the disciples. They knew to wake their Master.. but they did not know what He would do next. With just a word, Jesus stopped the winds and waves.. " and it became perfectly calm".   We all face storms in life - inward or outward storms that threaten to overwhelm us.
Like the disciples, we may think that Jesus doesn't care or that He is asleep and unaware of our peril.
But, Jesus tells us here that the real problem isn't the storm - it is our "little faith".    We need to memorize Philippians 4:6-7 and practice it in faith, " Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 

Father in heaven, blessed be Your Name.  May all the earth come to revere and honor You. Come and rule over us with power and glory, so that all will come to know You in truth.  Bring peace to rule in Your church, in all of Your children, so that we will not live in fear but in faith.  There are many storms brewing in our country, but we are reminded that we are Yours in Christ Jesus, and we are not alone. You do not sleep.  You will not forsake us.  You will keep us in Your peace as long as we abide in You.  Bless us with Your Presence and power in newness of life today, by Your Spirit, in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Matthew 8

Verses14-17  Jesus healed the leper and the centurion's servant, then came into Peter's home to discover a great need there too.  Sometimes the people we love and live with are the ones that need some attention. This woman was personally known and greatly loved by Jesus. They were like family.  Her fever could have been life threatening in that day. But, Jesus saw her and touched her hand.. and she immediately was healed.   What is more amazing even than that is her next action - "she arose and waited on Him." 

Quickly the word spread around the town of all that Jesus had done - so that by nightfall, every sick and demon-possessed person was brought to Him - so that He could heal and deliver them.  This is who our Lord is - still!  So kind, so compassionate, and so powerful!  We must look at Him closely...
We see through His actions the gentle mercy that He exhibits.. and we know that He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

Father in heaven, thank You for sending Jesus, Your only begotten and beloved Son.. the exact representation of Your nature, the radiance of Your glory.. so that we can gaze into the character and the nature of our glorious God!  After all the years of knowing You, reading Your Word, walking in faith, and trusting You.. how is it that I feel like I still don't see You clearly enough?  Draw me closer. Open my eyes and heart more.  Like Moses, I pray, let me see Your glory!  Let me stay in Your Presence and not be distracted by the world and the broad road to destruction.  Be with my family, that each one would be dear, loved, and known by Jesus, the loving Shepherd. In His wonderful name we pray, Amen.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Matthew 8

Verses 1-4  The leper - This man came to Jesus and bowed down - in humility he asked for the thing he needed most - cleansing. " Lord, if you are willing, You can make me clean."  What a statement of faith!  Jesus was willing and reached out to touch the untouchable one.. and he was immediately cleansed.

It occurs to me that this is what we all need.. cleansing.  It is as impossible for us to cleanse ourselves from our sins - as it was for the leper to cleanse himself from his disease.  But, Christ is willing!  His mercy is great.  His grace is sufficient!  Like the leper, we must recognize our inability to cleanse ourselves - and come to the One who alone is able- and we will find Him willing!

Verses 5-13  The centurion -  This man came to Jesus on behalf of another,  his servant, one that he cared for and valued; one who was suffering and without hope - except for Jesus.  Again, we find Jesus willing.. but there is another lesson in humility that we need to learn here..  The centurion recognized the divine power of Christ - and had faith and  confidence in His authority.   Matthew Henry writes - "See the power of Christ, and the power of faith."  Believe and receive..  Jesus commended the faith of the Roman centurion..  will He commend ours?

Matthew Henry - "We should concern ourselves for the souls of our children and servants, if they are spiritually sick, or feel not spiritual evils, or know not what is spiritually good; and we should bring them to Christ by faith and prayers."

Lord God, You are mighty to save.  You are the Creator and Ruler of all of heaven and earth and there is nothing that is impossible for You.  I come to You, to intercede for my loved ones - those who are filled with unbelief- that You would save them; for those who are hearers of the Word, but who do not have a personal relationship with You, that You would bring them into truth; and  for those who are Yours, but need to grow up in You to full maturity, that You would complete Your work in them.   They all need You to reach out and touch them, to save them, sanctify them, and to perfect them in Christ Jesus.  We all need You now, this very hour... and we pray for Your Kingdom, full of power and glory, would come into our lives; and that Your good and perfect will would be done in us.  In the name of Jesus, who is the heir of all things, who upholds all things, through whom all things were made and are sustained..  He who has the Name that is greater than all others, the Beloved Son; we pray.  Amen.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Matthew 7: 13-29   The teachings of Jesus recorded here, in the whole sermon on the mount,  cover a lot of territory.   Each section contains vital truths that our Father wants us to know and live by.   Here Jesus tells us that there are two gates and two ways.   He tells us to take the "narrow way".. the way to life.  Few will find this way, Jesus tells us. But, many will enter the wide gate that leads to destruction.

Matthew Henry's commentary says that we must know that there is no middle ground.  Either we choose the narrow way, the way of Christ, or we choose the broad way. "See concerning the way of sin and sinners, that the gate is wide, and stands open. You may go in at this gate with all your lusts about you; it gives no check on appetites or passions.  It is a broad way;  there are many paths in it; there is a choice of sinful ways."  It's easy to enter the broad way.. we are pre-disposed to head right in the gate.  We are deceived by the false teachings of the world and we take it all in.. not discerning the truth, not even looking at the "fruit" that such choices produce - misery, death, destruction;  eternal hell.

The narrow way is not the easy way, therefore, it is not the one chosen by many. But, it is the way to eternal life.  Matthew Henry wrote, " We are not in heaven as soon as we got through the strait gate. Self must be denied, the body kept under, and corruptions mortified. Daily temptations must be resisted; duties must be done. We must watch in all things, and walk with care; and we must go through much tribulation.  And yet this way should invite us all; it leads to life; to present comfort in the favor of God, which is the life of the souls; to eternal bliss, the hope of which at the end of our way, should make all the difficulties of the road easy to us. "

Jesus talked about the fruit from the good tree and the bad tree.  Fruit is the proof of what is at the core of our beings.  If we travel the broad way, we may claim to do wonderful works in the name of Christ.. but the fruit will reveal a sinful heart, a life foolishly built on the sand of lies and deception.
But, if we are choosing the narrow way, the way of Christ - denying ourselves, laying down our lives and taking up our crosses to follow Him - then our lives will bear fruit that is good.  Hearing the Word of Jesus and building our lives on Him;  acting in accordance with the Truth,  doing what He says - this will bring us into the Kingdom of heaven. 

Father God, exalted in glory, ruling over all of heaven and earth , we give You the honor due Your name. You alone are God and You are worthy of all our praise.  Lead us in the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake.  Help us to choose and keep choosing the narrow way.  May we not grow faint or weary. When we are weak, strengthen us by  Your Spirit.  When we stray, bring us back to the narrow way.  When we struggle with the temptation to go our own way, remind us of the destruction that destination leads us to. Keep our eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus, that we might walk in His paths always.  Thank You. In His name we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Matthew 7: 7-12  Think of this, Jesus, the Only Begotten Son, who is God,  tells us to ask, seek, and knock... to pray always and about everything! Matthew Henry's commentary says this, " Prayer is the appointed means for obtaining what we need. Pray; pray often; make a business of prayer; and be serious and earnest in it."

"Ask and it shall be given you;"  Matthew Henry says.. "Ask, as a beggar asks alms. Ask, as a traveler asks the way."

As I read this, I am transported back to a trip many years ago, to Mali, West Africa.  As we slowly drove down bumpy dirt roads through small villages, there would be children that would come right up to the windows of the car with their small items to sell, or to beg for money. They would be dressed in rags and their faces would be dirty... yet they almost always smiled, for they had hope.. that a gift would be given. Ask.. like that, Jesus is saying to us. Ask like a son who asks his father for a piece of bread or a piece of fish.  The son asks for what is good, and the father will surely give it to him, for he knows the child's need.  Our Father in heaven knows what is good for us.. what we really need.  When we ask, believing this, He will give it to us. 

"Seek and you shall find;"  Matthew Henry writes, " Seek, as for a thing of value that we have lost; or as the merchantman that seeks goodly pearls."  Ever lose your phone?  How about your credit card?  I've done both. Panic sets in. We retrace our steps, go back to where we last remember seeing it or using it.. stop doing anything else until we find it... When was the last time you prayed like that?
Jesus says we can seek and keep seeking.. keep praying and God will provide!

"Knock and it shall be opened to you."  Matthew Henry - " Knock, as he that desires to enter into the house knocks at the door. Sin has shut and barred the door against us; by prayer we knock.  Whatever you pray for, according to the promise, shall be given you, if God thinks it fit for you; and what would you have more?"

It is that simple.. ask, seek, knock. Believe the Words of Jesus... and "act upon them".   May our prayer lives be transformed by these truths.

Father, You are Almighty, Holy, and Good.  You have us in Your Hands.  You know our every need. You know what is good and fit for each of us.  We ask for daily bread, believing in Your grace to provide. We seek Your directions and believe that You will lead us in paths of righteousness.  We knock, and You open the door that we can enter Your Kingdom, our eternal home.  Thank You for the Word of Christ and for the Holy Spirit who teaches us and reminds us of all that we need to know, day by day.  Transform us, renewing our minds once again, from glory to glory.. amen.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Matthew 7:1-5

 Jesus instructs us in the truth about judging.

 To "judge" is to - criticize, try, condemn, punish, declare guilty or unfit.  Yikes!  This is a very personal, very hard thing for us sometimes... The all- American pastime these days seems to be to criticize.. and we all fall into that sin more easily than we like to think.

Jesus tells us that when we judge others, we need to know that we will be judged our own selves.
Whatever measure we used is the same measure that will be used for us.  He tells us that we need to recognize our own problems with sin and deal with those appropriately, before we have any ability to help our brother. And then we are not called to be the judge - we are called to be the one who helps. 

There is only One who is appointed Judge.
Acts 10: 42-43 "And He ordered us to preach to the people and solemnly to testify that this is the One who has been appointed by God as Judge of the living and the dead.  Of Him all the prophets bear witness the through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins." 

Jesus said, " You people judge according to the flesh; I am not judging anyone. But, even if I do judge, My judgement is true; for I am not alone in it, but I and He who sent Me." ( John 8:15)  He also said, "And if anyone hears My sayings, and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejects Me, and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day.  For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me commandment, what to say and what to speak." ( John 12:47-49)

Paul wrote this, " But you, why do you judge your brother? Or you again, why do you regard your brother with contempt? For we shall all stand before the judgement seat of God.... So then each one of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore, let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this - not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brothers way." ( Romans 14:10-13)  Paul also had much to say to the church in Corinth about passing judgement on one another.  In chapter 4 of I Corinthians he speaks of the fact that he doesn't even find himself adequate to judge himself, let alone others, " but the one who examines me is the Lord. Therefore do not go on passing judgement before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts; and then each man's praise will come to him from God." ( v4-5)

One more thought on this important subject comes from James 2:12-13 "So speak and so act, as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty. For judgement will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgement." 

Jesus tells us not to take His job as judge, but ,we are supposed to have discernment.  All the more reason that we need to pray.. for His forgiveness and for the mercy to forgive others,  and for Him to rescue us from the temptation to be crictical and judgmental,  and for deliverance from the evil one who wants us to be deceived about this whole subject.

Father in heaven, seated on the throne of heaven in all majesty and glory, we worship You, our God and King.  We ask for Your Kingdom to come with all power and righteousness and that Your good and perfect will be done here in us.  Help us to hear Your Word and then do what You are telling us..
Strengthen us in the power of Your Spirit to live as Your servants.. merciful to others as we have been shown Your great mercy.  We bow before You and surrender once again.  Lead us in Your narrow way Jesus, to the glory of the Father, Amen.