Tuesday, May 8, 2018

John 18-21  The betrayal, the trials, the crucifixion, the resurrection,  and the final days before the ascension are covered in these chapters.   I can never read just about His death without going on to read about His resurrection!  Oh how thankful I am that He not only died for us, but that He rose again, just as He said!

Jesus knew that the time had come and He was ready to drink the cup that the Father had given Him.
He was willing to be taken into custody, willing to be judged.. unjustly, willing to be condemned to death, and willing to die.. for this is why He came to this world.

Everything that happened, even to the simple statement of His thirst and the sip of sour wine... everything was according to Scripture.. to fulfill the Word.. more proof of the Truth of Who He was.
The King of the Jews.
The King of a kingdom that is not of this realm.
The King born for the purpose of bearing witness to the Truth.
The King who came to die for His people.
The King who rose again because death could not conquer Him!
The King who sits at the right hand of God and intercedes for His own.

Father in Heaven , thank You for this King of glory, our Savior, the Son of God most High.
Fill us anew with Your Spirit.  May we believe, truly believe "that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that believing [we] may have life in His name."  We will follow Jesus, we will love You, and we will tend Your sheep.. by the power of Your Spirit.. in the Name of our Lord, Amen.

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