Thursday, May 17, 2018

Ezekiel 12  This time Ezekiel is called to act out to scenarios.  The first is a pantomime of Zedekiah fleeing from Jerusalem, being blinded, and led away to Babylon.  The second is a scene of eating bread and drinking water "with quivering and anxiety".. portraying the people of Jerusalem who watch while their land is "stripped of its fulness on account of the violence of all who live in it."

These signs are meant to speak to the "rebellious house"  that they might know "that I am the Lord". 
The prophecies are being fulfilled. The Lord says that they will know without doubt that what the Lord says, He will do.  " None of My words will be delayed any longer. Whatever word I speak will be performed." 

No more delays. No more grace.  No more waiting. That is what will happen in our present day also.
The time will come when God will no longer delay the final judgement.  Christ will come. The church will be raptured. The prophecies in Revelations will be performed.  This world will pass away.
And only those in Christ will dwell with Him for eternity.  All of the "rebellious" who refuse to hear.. who have "eyes to see but do not see".. those who will not repent and receive Jesus.. will be eternally separated from God.

Father in heaven, I thank You for patiently waiting, for You are the God of Love and Grace.  I know that there are still so many that have still not heard the Word, and I ask that You would send out even more workers into the harvest fields.  I know that there are still many rebellious.. even in my own family.. and I beg You to open their eyes to see and their ears to hear.. that they might repent and receive salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord.  You are our only Hope, Lord.  May Your Name be praised and may Christ be lifted up in adoration and worship!  amen.

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