Monday, May 14, 2018

Ezekiel 4-5  Ezekiel was given instructions.. and what he was supposed to do would seem truly impossible.   He was to take a brick and pretend it was Jerusalem.  He was to build a siege wall around it.. a model of what was about to happen in Israel.  The hard part was that he was told to lay on his left side for 390 days bearing the iniquity of Israel, then an additional 40 days on his right side, bearing the iniquity of Judah.  He could only eat a little bread and have a little water "from time to time" as he lay there.  The Lord would bind him with ropes so that he wouldn't turn over.. I can't imagine!

The point to all of this was to show what the Lord would do in Jerusalem.  Destruction was coming. One third of all the people would die from famine and plague.  One third would die by the sword. And one third would be scattered, driven out of the city.  This judgement was from the hand of God because of the wickedness of the people.  " .. she has rebelled against My ordinances more wickedly than the nations and against My statutes more than the lands which surround her; ... "  Israel had defiled the sanctuary of the Lord with "detestable idols"  and God would not look at her any longer.

Judgement has been pronounced on the sins of mankind. Rebellion against God's word and the wickedness of idolatry will always lead to destruction and death.  Like the people of Israel and Judah, people who do not fear the Lord.. unbelievers who do not know Him or put their faith in Him, all who will not believe in Jesus Christ.. are under the same judgement and will face the same punishment.  Some will die of disease and starvation.  Some will die in war.  And some will be scattered from their homes.. wandering lost and alone.  Only those who turn to the Lord can be saved.  No false religion, no idol, no other thing on earth can bring salvation.  Our hope is in the Lord, for only He can save us.

Father in heaven,  I thank You for the truth of Your Word and for the Hope that we have in Christ Jesus.  Make us ambassadors of this great hope and truth that others may flee the wrath to come and find salvation in Jesus. Open our mouths and fill them with the Word of life! We.. I desire to live always for You, my King. amen.

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