Monday, May 28, 2018

Ezekiel 22  The Lord speaking through Ezekiel charges Israel with all of her sins and tells him to be the judge..

" Then cause her to know all her abominations." 
There are  2 major sins -  blood shed and idolatry
Their guilt is judged according to the bloodshed.
Their defilement is judged according to their idols.

Turmoil and bloodshed are the fault of the rulers of Israel..
They "treated father and mother lightly"
They oppressed the aliens among them.
They wronged the widows and orphans.
They despised the holy things of God.
They profaned the sabbath.
They slandered each other.
They committed lewdness.
They humiliated their own fathers.
They humiliated women.
They defiled their neighbor's wives, their daughter-in-laws, and their own sisters.
They committed murder for money.
They charged interest and made huge profits.
They took advantage of their own people.
They forgot the Lord.

Because they were guilty of all this, the Lord would deal with them in a way that they would not be able to deny that He is the Lord .
This judgement is compared to a silversmith.  He would take all of the metals together and burn it until everything was gone, except the silver.  Likewise, the Lord would gather all of Israel and burn them with the fire of His wrath until everything was melted.

He is not finished with His case against them.  The Lord points out that "There is a conspiracy.. " 
The prophets - devoured lives; took treasures; made many widows;
The priests - did violence to the Law; profaned what was holy; failed to teach the difference between clean and unclean; failed to observe the sabbaths; and profaned God Himself.
The princes - shed blood; destroyed lives;  acted for dishonest gain;  had the prophets "whitewash" their crimes;
The people - practiced oppression; robbed each other; wronged the poor and needy, and oppressed the aliens among them;

"And I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one." 

As I look through this list of charges against Israel.. those things that are an abomination to the Lord.. I cannot doubt that America is just as guilty of these things.  Blood shed, oppression, lewdness, profaning of all that is sacred..... Our religious leaders have failed to teach the difference between what is clean and what is unclean.  They have yielded to political correctness and compromised the Truth.  Our politicians act for dishonest gain. They slander one another for their own profits.
Our world is full of abuse - racial, sexual, physical and emotional violence .
We cannot ignore the fact that judgement is coming. It is needed.  It is deserved.

Father in Heaven, we are at Your mercy.  Our sins are as scarlet and only through Jesus can we be made clean.  Cleanse this land. Turn the hearts of our leaders, our preachers, and our people back to You.  Forgive us this day, Lord.  Fill us with the knowledge of Your Word that we might walk in Your ways and give You all glory .  Begin in us, Your church, Lord and refine us so that all the dross is gone and we are pure in You sight, ready to do Your will. Breathe on us, Jesus, that we might live in You. amen.

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