Friday, May 18, 2018

Ezekiel 13  The Lord condemns the false prophets and prophetesses.   They spoke from "their own inspiration".  They claimed to speak the Word of the Lord.. but they were liars.  They were like builders who covered a wall with whitewash in order to hide its weaknesses.  They spoke of peace, but there was no peace coming. The wall would crumble.. and so would they.

The women were selling magic charms for good luck.  They were ruining the lives of the people.  They were so wicked that they killed those who should have lived and let live those who should have died.

False visions and divinations, false prophesies and visions of peace.  While all the time they knew that the Lord condemned them and their practices.  The Lord says, through Ezekiel,  enough is enough!  No more visions.  No more magic charms.  No more divinations.

He was going to act in a way that they would know that He alone is the Lord. 

Anything like that going on today?
Anyone proclaiming peace when there is no peace?
Anyone selling lucky charms?
Anyone giving false hope.. duping even "righteous" people with their lies?

All the more reason that we MUST know the Word of God!  The real Truth! We must know what the Bible says. We must have the Holy Spirit.. walking daily in Him, being led by Him, and being filled with Him... the Spirit of Truth.  We must abide in His Word.. in Jesus our Lord.. fully committed and constantly abiding!

Father in Heaven,  Holy and Sovereign God,  fill us with truth, Your Word.  Renew our minds.  Gird us with the belt of Truth.  Help us to be faithful to read Your word, to hear Your voice and to obey.
Lead us away from temptations and deliver us from the evil one and all the false voices.  Forgive us for all the ways we miss the mark.. when we fail to be pure and holy and blameless.  Thank You for salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.. perfect and eternal.  We put our trust in You!  Amen.

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