Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Ezekiel 1-2  The Lord calls Ezekiel to be His prophet, starting with a vision that must have been startling.. to say the least.  It begins with what looked like a storm approaching.  Ezekiel recorded the exact place and time.  He recorded every detail that he observed.
The 4 cherubim had :
human forms
four faces - one human, one lion, one bull, and one eagle;
four wings - 2 stretched up and out, touching each other; 2 covering their bodies - front and back;

they moved straight forward - without turning; they also moved up and down;
they had a bright fire, with lightning in the middle of them;
they had wheels that moved with them and were alive- their "spirit" was in them;

Above the cherubim was a sea of something that shined..  like crystal.
From here came a Voice.
There was a throne above the expanse
On that throne was  " a figure with the appearance of a man". 
The upper part of His body was like glowing metal, the bottom part like fire.
Radiant light surrounded Him.. shining "like a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day." 

This, Ezekiel says, " ..was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord." 
Ezekiel fell on his face.

The Lord has brought Ezekiel into His glorious Presence for the purpose  of sending him  to the "rebellious people" .. to Israel.  Ezekiel is to preach the truth, whether or not the people listen, whether or not they threaten him,  and even if he would "sit on scorpions " .  "But you shall speak My words to them whether they listen or not."   No matter what else happened, the people of Israel would know that a prophet was there.

Ezekiel was then given a scroll and told to eat it.  And he did.

Father in heaven,  we can only imagine the things that Ezekiel saw and experienced.  We will one day see You in all the glory and beauty that he saw in that vision so long ago.  What a day that will be!  Meanwhile, may we be faithful to speak Your Word, whether or not others listen, whether or not we are persecuted,  whether or not we are suffering.  Spirit of God, empower us by Your mighty Hand, to be diligent in speaking the Word always, so that perhaps, by Your grace, some may repent and believe. We ask this in the Name above all names, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

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